I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Nonverbal Communication

From the Hezicos Tarot, the Six of Cups; from the Way of the Horse Oracle, the "Language of the Breath:"
The children playing at the beach bring back memories of my childhood for me. Whenever I choose the Six of Cups card, I generally look to see what from my past can be integrated into my present. For a while I was stumped as I looked at this card, but then I remembered that for the past several nights I've dreamed about my Grandfather Garrison. I lived with my grandparents from birth until about age five, a time period I am very grateful for now. My grandfather was a quiet, kind and gentle man. He grew up on a farm in Kentucky, and I often wondered if spending so much time outdoors early in life was why he liked to take long walks every day in the evening. Once, when he had become quite elderly, he didn't come home from his walk. My grandmother was in a panic and about to send out the cavalry, when he showed up. He apologized for the worry; he had gotten tired, sat down on a park bench and had fallen asleep.
My first reaction to the horse card was to notice how it appears to be taking a look back - quite appropriate paired with the Six of Cups. The Language of the Breath emphasizes nonverbal communication, something I most definitely see with my grandfather. He had a way of just being with people without saying much, a way of making them feel supported and listened to without ever trying to fix them in any way. I think his message is a timely one for me, and I would do well to heed it.


  1. What a lovely memory of your grandfather. Reminding is a miraculous thing. People come to life, situations are relived. Sometimes a memory can be as vivid as real life.
    My own father was like your grandfather; a quiet man of few words. But when he spoke we all listened to him.

    1. My grandfather's people were originally from Holland - the Brits changed their name "Garretson" to "Garrison" when they immigrated (they weren't fond of names changing with each child as was the custom). Makes me wonder if we might have some common cousins way on down the line. :D
