I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Thursday, October 17, 2024


From the World Spirit Tarot, the Seven of Cups; from the Mystic Glyphs, Path - Go Back:

We’re looking in the places where society or our conditioning tells us to look—in the fulfillment of our desires. But that is not where true happiness is found.
—Joseph Goldstein

A man daydreams, fantasizing about all the wonderful things he might attain or achieve. Yet nothing he envisions will come to pass without making an effort to take action rather than just dream about things. The Path - Go Back glyph suggests we have made a mistake and are heading down the wrong road. If we are trying to find happiness for selfish reasons - to elevate and separate us from the rest - our happiness will last only briefly. No one stays on a pedestal for long. But if we are motivated by altruism, choosing a path that will benefit us as well as others, our joy will likely be more stable.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Inner Refuge

From the World Spirit Tarot, the High Priestess; from the Mystic Glyphs, Skunk:

When the winds of change reach hurricane force, our inner refuge of mindfulness, concentration, and discernment is the only thing that will keep us from getting blown away.
~Thanissaro Bhikku

The High Priestess guards our inner temple, the deepest part of consciousness. It is a refuge, offering us spaciousness and a place to breathe with ease. Dwelling here, we find not what the ego wants, but truth and wisdom if we will receive it. Skunk reminds us that it is okay to protect and defend our mental and emotional health, especially when we are trying to find our equilibrium during challenging times. As Paul Coelho reminds us, "All stress, anxiety, depression, is caused when we ignore who we are, and start living to please others."

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Like Water

From the World Spirit Tarot, the Nine of Wands; from the Mystic Glyphs, Moon Phases:

The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water molds itself to the pitcher. 
–Chinese Proverb

The stance of this fellow reminds me of a tennis player; knees bent, he's ready to move in any direction and take action. When taking a posture of protection, we need to be awake as well as resilient, which requires the ability to be flexible when things change. Moon Phases suggest that things will change, though sometimes slowly. As the saying goes, "This too will pass," though it's too soon to let down our guard.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Different Forms of Success

From the World Spirit Tarot, the Nine of Pentacles; from the Mystic Glyphs, Life:

This woman who was a style icon basically lived in a little cotton dress all her life - a simple life.
—Sean Hepburn Ferrer

To be successful doesn't mean we constantly buy whatever we see; genuine success is having enough and being content with that, without the need to accumulate possessions. We know our own worth and live wisely with the resources we have. Being happy and satisfied can look very simple on the outside. The Life glyph represents karma - intentional thoughts, words, or actions and their results. It is not a moral issue but a natural law, like gravity. Although karma's results don't ripen overnight, our actions will eventually lead to wholesome or unwholesome outcomes. As Andrew Olendzki explains, "Karma is the opportunity we have each moment to choose what sort of person we are to become next. Broadly speaking, our responses can be either helpful, guiding us toward greater understanding, or they can be unhelpful, leading us instead toward suffering. Your fate is in your own hands."

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Made of Earth

This week I'll be using the World Spirit Tarot, published by Llewellyn and created by Jessica Godino and Lauren O'Leary. The oracle deck I'll be pairing with it is the Mystic Glyphs; it was published by Red Wheel and created by Barb Rogers. Today's draws are the Two of Cups and Rainbow:

Equal partnerships are not made in heaven - they are made on earth, one choice at a time, one conversation at a time, one threshold crossing at a time.
—Bruce C. Hafen

Temporary partnerships are fine for temporary goals, but lasting relationships require more: respect and communication. Relationships are much like having a side job (though hopefully a more enjoyable one) because they require putting time and effort into them if they are to remain healthy. Yet the glue that can truly hold them together is made of shared values and principles. Rainbow represents promises and commitment. No partnership can withstand the constant breaking of trust, whether on a small scale or large one. It would be like trying to string a clothesline between a tree and a post in sand. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Clear the Path

From the Anna K Tarot, Death; from the Meditation Cards, Erupting Patterns:


Death beckons, though not in an intimidating way. His message seems to be more about a need to clear the path in order to progress further. What needs to be released? The message from Erupting Patterns (via a quote from Pema Chodron) points to the blockage:

Those of us with strong addictions know that working with habitual patterns begins with the willingness to fully acknowledge our urge, and the willingness not to act on it.

When strong emotions arise, especially in response to unexpected change or uncertainty, it's easy to step back into habits of thinking and reacting that appear to offer solace but actually don't benefit us. If we want to move forward, it's time to accept that they don't help us but hold us back.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Smelling Roses

From the Anna K Tarot, the Knight of Cups; from the Meditation Cards, Karma Cloud:

We awaken continually. Cultivating lasting emotional stability requires a willingness to look and look again. —Jessica Angima

On patrol at night, this romantic knight can't help but stop and smell the flowers. This is definitely not part of the job, but it makes the job bearable. He knows that finding time to look for beauty, joy and love keeps the focus on what is important - it is the compass he relies on. Karma Cloud suggests that we need to be mindful of our thoughts, words and actions, not just because we will reap the good or bad they produce, but because they will be our legacy. As Jan Chozen Bays wrote, "The continuity of the energy is what is important. What do you want to pass on - suffering or happiness?" Pausing, as this knight does, is a good way to check in on our intentions and consider the seeds we're planting.