I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Friday, March 28, 2025

A Different Approach

From the Sun and Moon Tarot, the Prince (Knight) of Cups; from the Animal Tiles, Cougar:

You don't work on something for six years and be blind to the myriad of other approaches.
―Ken Burns

The Prince of Cups teaches us to discover what we are passionate about and then pursue that dream. The Prince is excellent at following his heart, but his approach could use some work. Whether he's trying to find a partner, join a group, or start a career, he tends to either come on too strongly or be so shy that he's overlooked. Cougar is solitary hunter with methodical tracking skills. It follows and watches patiently, waiting for the right moment to act. Cougar encourages us to take time to know our target well before acting, so that when we act, we engage with knowledge and just the right amount of energy.

Outside my window - the azaleas are putting on a show this year!

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Growing Ideas

From the Sun and Moon Tarot, the Ace of Swords; from the Animal Tiles, Box Turtle:

The world can use more light and less noise. More solvers and fewer blamers. More folks showing a better way and fewer folks complaining about how much better things used to be. More folks offering help and fewer folks wringing their hands about the problems. More hope bringers and fewer hope killers. ―Steve Goodier

The Ace of Swords widens the mind, bringing clarity (seeing reality just as it is) and creative thinking (solutions, art and innovations). Being receptive to such an opening allows insights, seen as the crown of light in this card. Yet instead of running through our community yelling "eureka!", Box Turtle (whose shell allows him to completely close himself off) suggests we pause and contemplate what we've come to see and understand. This Ace is only a seed at this stage; it needs care to germinate. Give it time.

"Camp Betty" - aka "Cousin Camp" - was wonderful!
(Mom and me in the middle, cousins on the ends)
My mom has tame box turtles in her yard that often show up when she's working outside or even at her kitchen door. She feeds them strawberries, tomatoes, bananas, cherries and cantaloupe. She hasn't seen any for quite some time, but yesterday one of the old timers (Maxine) showed up when I was taking out mom's trash. Drawing the box turtle tile today made me smile!

Monday, March 24, 2025

Ruffled Minds

From the Sun and Moon Tarot, the Nine of Swords; from the Animal Tiles, Platypus:

A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow. — Charlotte Bronte

I've been waiting for daylight all night. It's not that I wasn't tired, but that I couldn't sleep. I'm a list maker, someone who's mind (when on autopilot) is constantly thinking, analyzing and categorizing. Insomnia is not new for me; I've learned that drugs rarely help. Instead, I steer it in other directions - I read a nonfiction book, or I think of pleasant things like ideas for the next library display or children's bulletin board. My mind obviously doesn't think these things are important, and I eventually drift off. Platypus is a shy mammal that looks like a cross between a duck and a beaver. It reminds me that I don't have to think or act like the rest of my family, I can embrace my uniqueness. That said, some time spent on my own while I'm with them this week will help me stay balanced.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Intuitive Communication

This week I'll be using the Sun and Moon Tarot, created by Vanessa Decort and published by U.S. Games. The oracle I'll be using is a wooden set of Animal Tiles, hand pyro-etched by my multi-talented friend Carole Beasley. Today's draws are the Princess (Page) of Cups and Wolf:

Intuition doesn’t tell you what you want to hear; it tells you what you need to hear.
—Sonia Choquette

The Princess/Page of Cups is gentle and compassionate with dreamy ideals - namely, that all beings should treat each other with kindness and sensitivity. Not yet hardened by life or constrained by what others believe as true, she trusts her intuition completely and follows through on its message. The Wolf represents loyalty, family ties and communication. I'll be leaving tomorrow to celebrate for several days with my cousins, as it will be my mom's 87th birthday. It's been a long time since we've gathered, and I'm reminded by these draws to pay attention to my intuition before I open my mouth (especially in the areas of politics or religion). My focus needs to be on honoring my mom and enjoying my time with her, not intellectual swordsmanship with my family.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Dealing with Fear

From the Hoi Polloi Tarot, the Knight of Wands; from the I Ching Pack, Hexagram 8 (Mutal Aid):

Don't you want to learn to deal with fear?
Don't you want to take the wheel and steer?
Don't you wait another minute here
What are you waiting for?

Why do we fail to take advantage of an opportunity or pursue what interests us? Likely the cause is fear - fear of failing, of being vulnerable, of not knowing what lies ahead. As long as we've done our homework (investigated to make sure it's not a scam or manipulation), we might take this Knight's advice to go for it. Hexagram 8 implies uniting with others to stoke our confidence so that we can act rather than shrink. Whether it's having a friend as our wingman or seeking the support of a mentor, feeling like someone has our back can give us the push we need to take those chances.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Deep Dive Within

From the Hoi Polloi Tarot, the Six of Wands; from the I Ching Pack, Hexagram 48 (The Well):

We've reached a certain point, but we're not moving any more. 
―Ken Kesey

A challenge has been met and the outcome successful; hopefully our supporters have been profusely thanked. But now what? Once we turn in the big project, finish a contract or complete a goal, we may find ourselves at loose ends. Others will be quick to tell us what we ought to do, but it's hard to give 100% when we are driven only by obligation and not by an inner purpose. Hexagram 48 reminds us that success is often obtained when we have some skin in the game. It tells us to go deeply within and find out what we are personally invested in, what engages us and to what we would willingly give our time. 

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Not on the Couch

From the Hoi Polloi Tarot, the Nine of Pentacles; from the I Ching Pack, Hexagram 1 (Creative Action):

True contentment is a thing as active as agriculture. It is the power of getting out of any situation all that there is in it. ―Gilbert K. Chesterton

Hard work and discipline have produced contentment in the Nine of Pentacles, which should not be confused with complacency. Complacency is stagnant, a state of self-satisfaction that has lost its curiosity and desire to grow. Contentment, on the other hand, is fully engaged with life; it maintains its inquisitiveness and enjoys adding skills and knowledge. When things go wrong, complacency feels like someone shoved us off our cozy couch. When content, we're just curious about how to deal with it. Hexagram 1 (Creative Action) is dynamic power that guides and inspires. Yet it understands that there is a right time for the right action - it works in harmony with what is - planting in the right season. Such awareness fosters contentment.