I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Carpet Bombing

From the Rosetta Tarot, the Empress; from the Ascension to Paradise cards, Mousebird:

          The Empress represents the power and chaos of creative potential to build, nourish, renew, and at times, ravage. She is pure emotion, defending, loving and offering mercy. Yet she can at times be like an unaware, vulnerable teen mother, who is without the intellectual understanding to grasp how she might unintentionally harm those who are innocent. The Mousebird is a small grayish or brownish bird that scurries through the leaves like rodents, in search of berries, fruit, and buds (which is how it got its common name). Rather than being solitary, these gregarious birds feed together outside the breeding season. The web in this card suggests that we consider our connections to others before we speak or act. Though our target may be specific when we launch an attack, we may fail to consider how our behavior may affect those who are blameless bystanders.

I think carpet bombing is an absolutely tremendous idea if the enemy accommodates you by laying himself out like a carpet in the middle of the desert without any civilians or infrastructure around him. Every civilian's death diminishes us, collectively. ~David Petraeus

Friday, February 28, 2020

Center of Balance

From the Rosetta Tarot, the Priestess; from the Ascension to Paradise cards, the Secretarybird:
          The Priestess stands calmly between the ebb and flow of life; the cycles of the moon shift from one phase to another, yet she has found an inner source that keeps her from being dashed by the tides. Meditation for her is not a spiritual bypass, a search for bliss or a way to distract herself from what is tossed upon her shore. As Meleen describes, her practice allows her to become "a middle pillar of wisdom and equanimity." She doesn't hide from life but deals with it on its terms with awareness and quietude. The Secretarybird is a mostly terrestrial bird of prey, catching its victims on the ground and stomping them to death. Its name likely came from the long, quill-like feathers at the top of its neck. I can relate to this bird, wanting to stomp into submission those situations that ruffle my feathers. But although this approach can make me feel powerful and in control, it rarely brings about a lasting, useful solution. Writing down what is surging through my mind often lets me pause long enough to see my own insanity. At that point, I can meditate and then contemplate what a sane response might look like.

I found a new definition of sanity... This sanity offered serenity, a feeling of wellness or well-being, possession of a center of balance from which to operate, and a feeling that my place in this world was just right. — February 1999, AA Grapevine

Thursday, February 27, 2020

It Just Spins

From the Rosetta Tarot, the Wheel of Fortune; from the Ascension to Paradise deck, Loon:

What people don’t like to think about is that you can do everything right...and still get the short end of the stick. ― Lori Gottlieb

          There is a twisted, sick version of karma in the West; it blames people for the bad that happens to them and judges them for the good that comes their way. For instance, we assume someone declared bankruptcy because they don't know or care about managing their money when it could be the result of unexpected medical costs that insurance didn't cover. Or, we imply that a coworker slept her way into a promotion instead of working her ass off to get a new position. Yet as Gottlieb reminds us, the stick of fortune may at times skewer us or offer us an hors d'oeuvre, regardless of our good or bad behavior. Life is constantly in motion, and we often have little control over where that Wheel stops. The Loon is a waterbird that can dive deeply underwater to feed. It reminds me that even though I might get randomly walloped by the unforeseen, I still need to pause and consider if my actions or beliefs played any part and change them if necessary. If not, I can focus on acceptance and adjustment rather than self-pity or blame. The Wheel doesn't care, it just spins.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Fringe

From the Rosetta Tarot, the Five of Wands; from the Ascension to Paradise deck, Bobolink:
          Fire doesn't rest; even when it is only embers, it burns hotly. It's not a big surprise then that the stability of the Four of Wands doesn't last too long. This suit likes innovation and transformation, even when the strife it causes feels like a revolution rather than a simple change. The Bobolink travels an impressive distance to and from South America during migration (about 12,500 miles). It has a built-in compass - iron oxide in its nasal cavity helps to orient this bird with the earth’s magnetic field. It's good to have an inner compass to guide and ground us when dealing with Wands energy. Otherwise, we might burn things to the ground that might have been beneficial.

Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe.
― Theodore Roosevelt

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

In the Middle

From the Rosetta Tarot, the Two of Swords; from the Ascension to Paradise deck, Storm Petrel:

          Rather than the angsty indecision often portrayed in the RWS version, Thoth-based decks assign the Two of Swords the keyword 'peace.' In Meleen's painting, one sword's tip is sharp while the other rounded, a fitting way to describe the differences between heart and mind. Yet both pierce the rose, having achieved a compromise; perspective has helped to remember what is important rather than get distracted by differences. The Storm Petrel is a seabird that was often seen as a bad omen to mariners because they appeared before storms hit (leading some to conclude the birds caused terrible weather). Other legends say they are captains who mistreated their crew and doomed to fly for eternity over the ocean. Of course, the more boring (and likely) interpretations are the birds use the lee of the ship for protection during storms and follow them for the fish scraps tossed overboard. Compromise won't be found in extremes, and the truth usually won't be either.

The middle way is a view of life that avoids the extreme of misguided grasping born of believing there is something we can find, or buy, or cling to that will not change. And it avoids the despair and nihilism born from the mistaken belief that nothing matters, that all is meaningless.
~Sharon Salzberg

Monday, February 24, 2020

Change It Up

From the Rosetta Tarot, the Seven of Swords; from the Ascension to Paradise deck, Manakin:
          The Seven of Swords card represents futility - the failure to make any progress. This may be because:
  • We don't have a well-thought-out plan (or we decide to do nothing).
  • We keep repeating the same thing over and over while expecting different results.
  • We get to an obstacle and go no further.
  • We manipulate or intimidate but refuse to compromise or listen to other options.
  • We get distracted by things that aren't relevant to what we're trying to accomplish.
The Manakin is comprised of several species, most of which have spectacular courtship rituals. Some have specialized wings that allow them to make buzzing or snapping noises. Other birds have dance moves that rival James Brown - some can even moonwalk. This species (to borrow a lyric from JB) encourages me to "Get up offa that thing" and do something different.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Bog of Apathy

This week I'll be using the Rosetta Tarot along with its companion book The Book of Seshet. This set was created by M.M. Meleen and published by Atu House. The oracle deck I'll be using is Ascension to Paradise, a book and deck set created by Jane Toerien and Joyce van Dobben and published by Binkey Kok. Today's draws are the Eight of Cups and Cassowary:

          Being Thoth-influenced, the Rosetta Eight of Cups has been given the keyword indolence - a state of lethargic dullness. It has been described as the bog of numbness and apathy and a place of stagnation. It is not where anyone wants to be, but once there, it feels impossible to move away from it. Its appearance raises several questions: Has my body been in overdrive and given little chance to rest? Am I taking care of other people while failing to take care of myself? No one will be coming to rescue me; restorative healing will only come through the wholesome attention I give to myself. The Cassowary is a large (about 100 lbs.), flightless bird with sharp, dagger-like claws. They are normally wary of humans but can inflict dangerous and sometimes fatal injuries if they feel threatened and attack. Cassowary is a reminder that trying to attack a feeling is useless; instead, that energy would be better channeled into creating some sacred space and engaging in self-compassion (without adding any self-pity or self-indulgence).

Caring for myself is an act of survival.
 — Audre Lorde

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Only in the Present

From the Ship of Fools Tarot, the Mountebank (Magician); from the Wisdom of the Four Winds, Tuatara:

          The term 'Mountebank' refers to a charlatan, a con man who deceives another for money or fame. As long as there are people willing to ignore reality and pay for what they want to hear, there will be unscrupulous people to serve them. They are adept at figuring out what folks desire and then weaving a narrative (or selling a product) that seems can help them attain it. It doesn't require any effort, just money and admiration. The marks of such swindlers would be better served by avoiding the fortune-tellers and going to a 'present-teller' who can show them how the choices and habits they are engaging in now are creating their future. The Tuatara looks like a lizard but it is actually the only surviving species of its order which flourished around 240 million years ago. It often shares a burrow with the muttonbird. When this bird lays its first egg, it eats it, but Tuatara then declines eating the other eggs and becomes a protector of the burrow. Tuatara warns that nothing comes without personal sacrifice of some kind, and if it's easy (like handing over some money), it's not a sacrifice.

People sacrifice the present for the future. But life is available only in the present. 
~Thich Nhat Hanh

Friday, February 21, 2020

The Courage of Truth

From the Ship of Fools Tarot, Justice; from the Wisdom of the Four Winds, Whitebait:
 He will soon be panting, he who
Constantly bickers like a child,
And thinks that he can blind the truth.

          The prose that was written for the original "Ship of Fools" implies that the Fool's effort to keep Justice in the dark won't come out in his favor. The crown lying on the floor suggests that no matter what one's status, eventually the rent will come due. Unfortunately, such comeuppance rarely occurs on the timetable most humans would prefer. But it's impossible to keep blindfolds tightly tied forever. Whitebait live in streams and lay their eggs in the tall grasses when flooding occurs. When the next flood comes again, the eggs are washed out to sea where they hatch. The fish then resolutely make their way back to familial streams, earning their association with the keyword commitment. Together these cards point to integrity - the courage to act from one's ethics and values regardless of the opinions of others. Included in this trait is the willingness to speak up when the truth has been covered up with pleasant-sounding lies.

Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.
~W. Clement Stone

Thursday, February 20, 2020


From the Ship of Fools Tarot, the King of Cups; from the Wisdom of the Four Winds, Limestone:

          The King of Cups always makes me think of emotional sobriety. When other people run around screaming that the sky is falling, he knows how to stay calm and respond skillfully. It's not that he's a naturally chill sort of guy; he's just aware of his emotions and how they can push him to respond in ways that aren't always helpful. We all have our patterns: aggressive (pushing back at what we don't want), submissive (going along while feeling resentful), and dispersive (staying busy so we can pretend ignorance). But the King would tell us none of these are particularly beneficial at solving or adapting to what is making us crazy. Limestone is a sedimentary rock that water frequently erodes over many years to form caves. Many fossils are found here as well. This stone can offer us sanctuary if we use it to see our emotional habits that condition our actions and then choose to begin the work of changing them. As the King offers his cup to the Fool, he reminds him that it's not easy but it's worth it.

The ability to self-regulate, to bring ourselves into balance, is key to emotional sobriety.
~Tian Dayton

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

A Penny Saved

From the Ship of Fools Tarot, the Four of Coins; from the Wisdom of the Four Winds, Sparrow:

          This card appears to show a scam artist who has shown up, looking to sell something not worth buying at an inflated price. Instead of being stingy, he could display wise money management by saying 'no' and closing the door, ignoring the hard sell. The house sparrow may not sport the bright colors of many birds, but like many people who live simply, he is resourceful. Nests might just as likely be built behind shop signs as in a bush. These birds may be found at backyard feeders or picking insects off the grills of cars in a parking lot. Both these cards advise the habit of saving (and being creative) rather than spending.

The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind.
—T.T. Munger

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Changing Our Lens

From the Ship of Fools Tarot, the World; from the Wisdom of the Four Winds, Kiore (Rat):

          The Fool appears weighted down by the World on his shoulders, but it likely comes from a new perspective that gives him a more complete understanding. When we see others through the lens of separation and exclusivity, it is easy to feel superior and judge our ways and opinions as the right ones. But when we cease to view life this way and use the lens of inclusivity, we see that we are alike in many ways (our hopes, fears, etc.) and recognize our interconnection. That is a knee-bending epiphany if ever there was one. The Kiore/Rat card parallels this idea. The Maori didn't judge the rat for how it affected them but admired it for the way it took care of its relations - laying scent markers to food sources and joining bodies to cross a stream. We can focus on what we dislike or what is admirable in most anything, but only one of these views will help us see from a wider viewpoint.

We're smarter and more innovative when we're diverse.
~Julie Sweet

Monday, February 17, 2020

It's About Me

From the Ship of Fools Tarot, Judgment; from the Wisdom of the Four Winds, Water:
 Putting out of our minds the wrongs that others had done, we resolutely looked for our own mistakes. Where had we been selfish, dishonest, self-seeking and frightened? Fear set in motion trains of circumstances which brought us misfortune we felt we didn't deserve. But did not we, ourselves, set the ball rolling? ~ AA basic text

          A plague of locusts and frogs descends on the Fool. Like most folks, he will complain that this is unfair and undeserved then immediately start pointing out the faults of others. I thought of our current President who is excellent at deflecting and distracting, but this too is simply a diversion for not looking at my own stuff. I can't change other people, but I can change my thoughts and actions and the misery they will inevitably cause. The Water card is associated with cleansing, and in relation to Judgment, it makes me think of forgiveness. As Gina Sharpe reminds me, "Forgiveness is really not about someone’s harmful behavior; it’s about our own relationship with our past. When we begin the work of forgiveness, it is primarily a practice for ourselves."

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Closer of Further

This week I'll be using the Ship of Fools Tarot created by Brian Williams and published by Llewellyn. Paired with it will be the Wisdom of the Four Winds created by Barry Brailsford, illustrated by Cecilie Okada and published by StonePrint Press. Today's draws are the Six of Cups and Pohutukawa:

          Could a Fool resist an invitation to play? No more than a fish could refuse to be in water. This Six of Cups is a reminder that having fun isn't just for children - adults need to remember how much it can help relieve stress and lighten one's outlook. The two cards in the Cups suit before the Six show burnout and sadness, and although time can help with both, a bit of play can help us remember the joy of living. The Pohutukawa, found on the windswept coasts of New Zealand, is sacred to the Maori people. On Cape Reinga, an ancient tree sits on a rocky outcrop that extends into the sea. The dead are said to move down its roots to make the journey to their ancestral home. "Begin again," the Pohutukawa might tell us when we feel we can't go on. And perhaps a little less seriousness can help us do that.

At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Common Bonds

From the Margarete Petersen Tarot, the Three of Cups; from the roll of the Elemental Dice, Tornado (Air + Darkness):
There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other. 
~J. K. Rowling

          Whether through something we've endured, a challenge met together, or a love shared, we find common bonds and develop friendships. Tribes help us honor what is lost or celebrate what has been gained; they help open our hearts and minds to multiple viewpoints. These groups can provide a sense of well-being as long as they remain inclusive, considerate and compassionate. Yet the Tornado pairing suggests that these priceless friendships can easily be destroyed. Past grievances, petty irritations, and unreasonable expectations can be just as destructive as the winds of this storm. These mindsets only destroy and never nourish or sustain.

Thoughts of “we” connect us, reminding us of our common humanity. Our individual sufferings are seen as being shared by others, and as being part of the difficulties we all have in being human. Our sufferings are not a sign of us being broken, but of us belonging to a greater whole. Our sufferings connect us with others, rather than pushing us into a sense of separateness.

Friday, February 14, 2020

A Third Option

From the Margarate Petersen Tarot, the Two of Flames (Wands); from the roll of the Elemental Dice, Lightning (Air + Fire):

          Between a Moon and a Sun, two figures embrace. The Twos are about choice; in this card, we choose the alliances and purpose that spur us to action. Will we be receptive like the Moon, or assertive like the Sun? Will we serve our own desires or consider those of others? In which direction will our drive and determination be steered? The Lightning roll implies an epiphany or inspiration - rather than either/or, it offers a third option.  In Buddhism, prajna (wisdom) is perceiving the true nature of reality. It's like looking everywhere for our glasses, then suddenly realizing they are on the top of our head. Such discernment helps eliminate the pull of emotions, opinions, and attachments in order to see what is needed.

Once we perceive, we habitually jump to thoughts and feelings about what is being perceived. These thoughts and feelings, rooted in past experiences and conditioning, then influence the mood of our mind. When perception, thoughts, and feelings are repeated or imprinted through experiences, they solidify into view or belief. Ruth King

Monday, February 10, 2020

The Ripples of Grief

From the Margarete Petersen Tarot, the Five of Cups; from the roll of the Elemental Dice, Earthquake (Darkness + Earth):

          Grief ripples out, like the drops of water in the lake. No matter where we are, what we are doing, or who we are with, we are constantly reminded of the person we loved and lost. Those ripples seem to go on infinitely, but eventually, we may notice the good memories outweigh the heaviness of the hurt. Compassion comes when we realize our drops are a part of a huge body of pain shared by all humanity. Earthquake speaks of a shake-up, something that gets our attention. What gets your attention when your heart is heavy? What helps you to see beyond the hurt?

Grief is a sign that we loved something more than ourselves. . . . Grief makes us worthy to suffer with the rest of the world. ~Joan Chittister

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Seed Sowing Time

This week I'll be using the Margarete Petersen Tarot, created by M. Petersen and published by Königs Furt. The oracle I'll be using is the Elemental Dice, an idea developed by my good friend Carole Beasley. Today's card and dice roll are the Ace of Coins and Land (Earth + Earth):

          In the center of this card lies a seed surrounded by a serpent. The seed represents the potential inherent in this earthy, physical suit and the coiled snake implies the energy and effort required to plant it and nourish it. As if to back up this push to action, Land suggests being grounded in reality followed by a concrete response rather than simply dreaming and planning. The possibilities of this particular seed will eventually dry up if it isn't cultivated. But it would be wise to heed the words of Gandhi as we work the soil:

It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there will be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.
~ Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, February 8, 2020


From the Waking the Wild Spirit Tarot, Soaring (Nine of Air/Swords); from the Saltwater Reading Cards, Coral:
          The traditional Nine of Swords shows a woman in a bed waking up from a nightmare (or being unable to sleep because of worries). It illustrates how our emotions and thoughts can create disturbing stories that appear to be real. But Palin's card shows the solution - to rise above those thoughts and seek a spacious, wider perspective. There are many more possibilities than what I create with my limited thinking. Coral are marine animals that secrete calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton. Not only does this hard structure help protect them, it also acts as a refuge for other ocean animals. Its ability to create its own stronghold reminds me that I too have an inner source I can tap into when I need to ground and center myself.

 Mind’s nature has two qualities: a sense of spaciousness, expansiveness, or totality, and a vivid, wakeful awareness. —Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

Friday, February 7, 2020

Changing Tides

From the Waking the Wild Spirit Tarot, Visionary Spirit (Hermit); from the Saltwater Reading Cards, Tides:
Your problems won’t change; only you can change. That’s the point.
—Gento Steve Krieger 

          This young lady looks perturbed, yet she is doing what most of us forget to do when we feel like life is closing in on us. She sits in stillness; the key she holds is what she will discover when her mind and body pause. Lately, it has felt as if everyone required too much of her, offering little help to handle all of the obligations. But in the calmness, she might see that on some level, she enjoys people depending on her as it boosts her self-worth and gives her a feeling of purpose. She may have given the impression (verbally or through omission) that she can deal with it all while ignoring her own needs. As the muddy water settles, it becomes clear that she has had a hand in creating this situation. She is no Wonder Woman. The Tides card is a reminder that life ebbs and flows. There will be times when we are required to carry more than our usual load, but it will not always be so. It takes practice, but when life slows, we should too. Neurotic busyness is an easy habit to make but not so easy to break.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Repairing Nets

From the Waking the Wild Spirit Tarot, Sensitive Spirit/Mother Two Moons (Moon); from the Saltwater Reading Cards, Oyster:
          It doesn't take much to trigger a mood or an emotion when something awakens what has been stored away in the unconscious. We are under a Red Alert warning today, meaning a threat of severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, flash flooding, and straight-line winds. Having been battered in succession by straight-line winds, a tornado, a hurricane, and flooding over the past couple of years, the folks in my area can easily slide from precaution into fear and paranoia. Yet Oyster is a reminder that we all must deal with some grit as no one is excluded from unwelcome news or events. But I have a choice to let that grit rub me raw or to create a pearl by making the best of a bad situation.

When fishermen cannot go to sea, they repair nets.
― Nabil Sabio Azadi

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Do You Hear What You're Saying?

From Waking the Wild Spirit Tarot, the Trickster/Page of Air (Wands); from the Saltwater Reading Cards, Turtle:
          The trickster side of the Page of Air is not meant to trick us as a form of punishment, but to help us learn to think before we speak, be succinct, and spend more time listening. This Page is aware that people often react rather than respond and seldom take the time to use discernment in what they say. The Page will then reflect back the words to us, showing how we lacked mindfulness of speech. When my toddler was able to reach doorknobs, I would be afraid she would pinch her fingers opening and closing the doors. I would say "watch your fingers" and she would stop what she was doing and literally look at her fingers. Instinct, shown by the newly hatched sea turtles racing towards the water, emphasizes that sometimes we don't have a lot of time to think out what we say - we must respond bluntly and assertively. We don't explain or excuse, we simply speak our truth firmly and plainly.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Appreciation Rather Than Appropriation

From the Waking the Wild Spirit Tarot, the Shapeshifter/Page of Fire (Wands); from the Saltwater Reading Cards, Sea Anemones:
          Using an older person as a Page is unusual, but having a desire to explore life in new and different ways doesn't have an age stamp on it. And a shapeshifter would have the opportunity to experience life through the bodies of various animals, seeing and feeling as they do. While this option isn't available for the vast majority, we can enjoy learning about and visiting other cultures and places. Yet the sting of Sea Anemones implies we may want to respect the boundaries and beliefs of others. In the book Holy Envy, Barbara Brown Taylor suggests looking but not poaching. And though she speaks of appropriation from a religious viewpoint, it applies to cultural pilfering as well: "I have learned that possessing an artifact is not the same as possessing the spiritual reality it represents. The things I envy have their own terroir [unique environment], their own long histories of weather and fertilization. They do not exist to serve me, improve me, or profit me. They have their own dominion." Cultural sensitivity means respectful appreciation - avoiding stereotypes, acknowledging origins and refusing to use sacred artifacts for accessories.

Monday, February 3, 2020

A Star Among Stars

From the Waking the Wild Spirit Tarot, the Five of Fire (Wands)/Blaze; from the Saltwater Reading Cards, Manta Ray:
          Americans seem to be trained from an early age to make an effort to shine brighter than anyone else. We grow to hate having our way of doing things questioned, much less replaced by something new. So it's no wonder that we resist the brightness of others when it means we might be in the shadows. The Manta Ray has been given a bad rep because of its size (up to 23 ft. in width) and the shape of its body (giving it the nickname 'devilfish'). But these creatures of the deep are actually curious and friendly, not dangerous. The misinformation about them is similar to the training of young minds who are warned to eschew humility and cooperation for being number one. But competition isn't all that's advertised; anyone who's lived this lifestyle and mindset knows that it's only a matter of time before one's pedestal is knocked over. On the other hand, a multitude of stars will create much more light than just one. 

If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.
– Booker T. Washington

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Interrelated Structure

This week I'll be using Poppy Palin's Waking the Wild Spirit Tarot, published by Llewellyn, along with the 2nd edition of her companion book, Stories of the Wild Spirit, published by Slippery Jacks Press. I'll also be drawing from the Saltwater Reading Cards, created by Laura Bowen and published by Rockpool Publishing. Today's cards are the Dance of Life/Web of Fate (Wheel of Fortune) and Rockpool:

          Palin's description of the Wheel as being web-like points out that we do not move through our seasons in this world without altering what is around us. That interconnection is why it is so important for me to consider not just how my response to the changes and challenges of life will affect me as time passes, but the effect it will have on my web-mates as well. It also reminds me of karma, not the Hindu definition of it, but as Andrew Olendzki describes it: "It is common to think of karma as a sort of fate to which we are subjected, but it is more central to the Buddha’s message that karma is the opportunity we have each moment to choose what sort of person we are to become next." The habits I reinforce or change today will determine who I become in the not-too-distant future, and those patterns will either benefit or harm those around me. Rockpool, carved out over many years by the ocean's waves, provides a place of refuge from the pounding of the surf for organisms such as clams, mussels, and starfish. This card asks me to consider what I'm weaving with my life: a barrier to protect only myself and those I care about or a place of healing and nurturing for all.

Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.