I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Get Up, Stand Up

From the Ellis Deck, the Seven of Rods; from the Brownies Oracle, Harmony:

Get up, stand up
Don't give up the fight.
–Bob Marley

It takes determination and courage to stand up to those who don't like change or new ideas. This is not based on machismo or any other movement with something to prove; it is the heart-led decision to stand one's ground because it is a choice of integrity. Harmony shows the Brownies in chorus practice. They are not required to sing alike, as it is the different vocal ranges that actually create their beautiful sounds. Likewise, ideas or practices that don't conform to the status quo aren't a threat when they simply enrich human lives. 

There are not more than five musical notes, yet the combinations of these five give rise to more melodies than can ever be heard. There are not more than five primary colours, yet in combination they produce more hues than can ever been seen. There are not more than five cardinal tastes, yet combinations of them yield more flavours than can ever be tasted.
–Sun Tzu 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Caught Up

From the Ellis Deck, the Five of Pentacles; from the Brownies Oracle, Temptation:

This particular Five of Pentacles feels like the reverse of the Six of Wands - more like a walk of shame than a celebration. It brings to mind the snake oil medicine sold to guarantee a return to health, Ponzi schemes that are supposed to make you rich, and the myriad other ways unscrupulous people attempt to con others out of their money. The Brownies card - Temptation - explains why both sides get screwed. People always look for an easier way to health or making money, and the ones taking in the cash are mindlessly driven by greed.

People get really caught up in their own trips.
~Max Cannon

Sunday, February 26, 2023

A Lighter Load

This week the tarot I'll be using is the Ellis Deck, created and self-published by Taylor Ellis. Paired with it will be the Brownies Oracle, created and self-published by Doug Thornsjo. Today's draws are the Hermit and Burdens:

To live is to be wounded – it is how we tend to the wounds we suffer and inflict that mark the quality of our journey. ―Ralph Benmergui

Ellis suggests the Hermit is a study of the self, which would include all the ways we've been conditioned by our experiences and the patterns of behavior that have resulted. We look for what is hidden and shine a light on what is found. Such a contemplation and investigation will require some solitude, courage and patience (as indicated by the tortoise and snail). The Brownies are in a panic because the river is rising; they attempt to carry all they can to safety. Like them, we too carry burdens, yet much of this weight arises from the mind - our cherished opinions and conclusions. These in turn often trigger emotions like fear, sadness and resentment. Isn't it time to see them for what they are and lighten some of our load? 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

On a Leash

From the Prairie Tarot, the Four of Pentacles; from the Medicine Cards, Beaver:

Seeing this fellow on a locked chest suggests keeping our finances, physical health and time on a short leash. It's a very early spring for us in the South - the azaleas have already been in full bloom this February. Warmer weather after winter always makes me a little over-zealous in the 'doing' department. Yesterday, I cleaned the whole house, did two loads of laundry, hosed down the screened back porch, dumped out quite a few plants that froze, scrubbed the pots, and repotted some new plants. By evening I couldn't move. Beavers are ecosystem engineers with their capacity to alter their environments. They do not like the sound of running water because it signals a leak in their dam (which they immediately repair). I believe my body is in need of repair rather than activity, so I'll have to ignore my 'get-it-done' impulse today. 

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.
― John Lubbock

Friday, February 24, 2023

Empowerment not Capitulation

From the Prairie Tarot, the Hierophant; from the Medicine Cards, the Salmon:

Rather than a priest doling out penances for sins and a set of beliefs for salvation, Ator uses a Native healer. These healers used traditional methods for balancing the mind, body and spirit of their people. George Amiotte is an example of a modern day healer who specializes in helping veterans overcome post-traumatic stress disorder. There seems a great divide between the minister's solution of submission and the empowerment offered by the healer. Salmon represents wisdom and inner knowing. It suggests we see the opportunity in all situations, understanding that wisdom is earned in both enjoyable and difficult experiences. This wisdom is gentle, kind and seeks the good of all - there is no advantage to be gained over another. It takes courage to seek that inner counsel rather rely on another.

The spiritual life is not a life before, after, or beyond our everyday existence. No, the spiritual life can only be real when it is lived in the midst of the pains and joys of the here and now. 
– Henri Nouwen

Thursday, February 23, 2023

The Antidote

From the Prairie Tarot, the Emperor; from the Medicine Cards, the Rabbit:

This Emperor holds the skull of a ram, a symbol of strength, determination and virility. Yet from earliest times, the ram was also seen as a prestigious sacrifice. Are there any true leaders - those who work in service of those they represent - who haven't made personal sacrifices? I doubt it. There will always be those who love the power and prestige, but few who embrace the humility that is needed. Jimmy Carter recently entered hospice, and though he didn't leave a large mark as President, he is remembered fondly for his diplomacy and his work to advance human rights and alleviate human suffering. Rabbit's message is about fear and worries about the future. I've always heard the best antidote for such anxiety is to reach out and help someone in need.

I have one life and one chance to make it count for something... My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference. ~Jimmy Carter

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

For the First Time

From the Prairie Tarot, the King of Wands; from the Medicine Cards, Mouse:

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
–T. S. Elliot

This King of Wands spent his early years exploring; his contentment was found in movement and in new places and people to see. But as he matured, he realized that life is more than a rolodex of travels. The real gold nuggets were the wisdom and insights he gained through that experience. At this stage, he won't stop exploring, but some of it will be done on the territory within. Mouse's message is about scrutiny, or a closer examination of details. Just as we sometimes can't see the forest (the big picture) for the trees (details), we can also completely miss important tasks or bits of information when we spend too much time gazing at the horizon instead of seeing what sits at our feet. 

The details are not the details. They make the design.
~Charles Eames

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Awe and Gratitude

From the Prairie Tarot, the Ten of Cups; from the Medicine Cards, Squirrel:

A family looks out in awe and gratitude - not at a million dollar house and a couple of BMWs that they take photos of with their new iPhone - but at the beautiful, natural landscape. As Marcus Aurelius stated, "Remember this, that very little is needed to make a happy life." It's not the material stuff that brings us emotional fulfillment. Contentment is found when our basic needs are met and we choose to live in the moment with appreciation. Squirrel's message about 'gathering' fits well with this card: "You have gathered nuts by the score, exactly predicting if you'll need more. Teach me to take no more than I need." There are more beneficial things to feel the hollowness within us than what we can buy.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Out of the Rubble

From the Prairie Tarot, the Tower; from the Medicine Cards, Jaguar:

Life is not about how many curve balls you encounter, but rather adjusting your perspective, to effectively handle each curve in life. ~Laura D. Field

Just when life is humming along, when we've got our ducks in a row and feel content, THE UNEXPECTED shows up. This is not the bouquet of flowers kind of surprise - more of a 2 x 4 to the head. And its not something that we can sweep under the rug or distract ourselves from; it must be dealt with. Jaguar, in Mayan mythology, devoured those who were dishonorable. Its Medicine is said to be integrity and impeccability. In the case of the Tower, it suggests avoiding blame and excuses as well as habitual patterns that might have set the crash into motion. Honesty, awareness and compassion can bring clarity, showing us the most skillful way out of the rubble.

Sunday, February 19, 2023


This week I'll be using the Prairie Tarot, created and self-published by Robin Ator. Paired with it will be the Medicine Cards, a deck and book set published by St. Martin's Press and created by David Carson and Jamie Sams. Today's cards are the Two of Cups and Snake:

When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness.
~Joseph Campbell

This cowboy appears to be shy, allowing the woman to take the lead. At the start of most relationships, whether they're based in business, friendship or romance, one partner seems to take the initiative. Yet once established, the best partnerships (and generally the most healthy) allow each partner to take turns leading the dance. There's usually always something one partner is better at than the other. Snake is given the keyword 'transmutation,' meaning a change to a higher form (suggested by the snake shedding its skin). As Campbell points out, our greatest transformation can come when we step out of self-centeredness and include others in our orbit.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Delightful Season

From the PetraK Tarot, the Nine of Wands; from the Astrodice, Mercury/Gemini/8th House:

Eight burned out matches and one aglow on an orange ball makes me think of George Harrison singing that while it's been a long, cold lonely winter, the sun is on its way. I've often heard that a balance of gratitude and tenacity can serve a person in good stead when things are tough while remembering change is coming. Getting older means dealing with a body that begins to wear down, but I've decided to make the words of poet Sandra Cisneros my motto as I age: "I am a woman of a delightful season." The Mercury/Gemini/8th House roll suggests a conversation about the cycles of life and their meaning. Today is a good day for pondering them, but with a mind and heart full of appreciation.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Not All or Nothing

From the PetraK Tarot, the Four of Discs; from the Astrodice, Mercury/Gemini/7th House:

Be moderate in prosperity, prudent in adversity. 

In this painting, the lower, smaller discs seem constricted by some outer covering. Yet the top two discs are larger and unencumbered, producing a bright light or energy. We all get squeezed by circumstances from time to time, whether physically (energy and health), financially or time-wise. We may barely have enough 'shine' to keep ourselves upright and afloat. But when we have some extra shine to spare, we may remember others who are currently treading water and practice kindness rather than restraint. The Astrodice roll implies a merging of communication, sociability and relationships. While we all have preferences with regard to introversion or extroversion, moderation might serve us well.

I’m both an introvert and extrovert. I love people, but I need to be alone. I’ll go out to meet people, but it has an expiration because I have to recharge. If I don’t find the valuable alone time I need to recharge, I cannot be my highest self.
~Denzel Washington

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Relax, Release, Resist Nothing

From the PetraK Tarot, the Two of Swords; from the Astrodice, Mars/Gemini/6th House:

We can approach our lives as an experiment. In the next moment, in the next hour, we could choose to stop, to slow down, to be still for a few seconds. We could experiment with interrupting the usual chain reaction and not spin off in the usual way.
—Pema Chodron

The swords lying on their sides and the pastel colors of this card suggest this person took Chodron's words (above) to heart. To pause for a few moments without feeding the mind allows the aggressive feeling that we must choose NOW to pass. When a modicum of peace can wedge itself within us, we realize the only real danger is making an impulsive decision. Even when dealing with difficult choices, such clarity can help us see that the easier choice might be the worst one down the line. The Sixth House from the Astrodice roll involves health or work - two areas where discernment needs to be exercised. Yet the fiery nature of Mars and the restlessness of Gemini might push us into a spin again. Relax, release, resist nothing. Let the mud settle, the water clear and the right choice will be apparent.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


From the PetraK Tarot, the Knight (King) of Cups; from the Astrodice, Southern Node/Pisces/9th House:

This Knight/King seems to be steeping in his cup like a tea bag, reminding me of Eleanor Roosevelt's words: "A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water." So don't let the kind, compassionate gaze of this fellow fool you - he's both capable and composed no matter what hits the fan. He knows how to express and control his own emotions as well as interpret, understand, and respond appropriately to the emotions of others. The South Node represents the natural skills or gifts that we were born with which help with our purpose in life. Pisces tends toward sensitivity, spirituality and the arts. The Ninth House is an exploration into philosophy, psychology and spirituality - what will shape our ideals and ethics. These are the areas that can help ground us, allowing us to 'steep' without losing our head or values. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Real Love

From the PetraK Tarot, the Lovers; from the Astrodice, Jupiter/Libra/3rd House:

Real love ought to be more like a tree and less like a flower.
― Mya Robarts

The multiple pairs of people and animals remind me of the phases of love. In the beginning, there is lust and infatuation. Time spent together seems to shrink one's world down to two rather than expand it. But if it has the ability to mature and develop, it becomes something different and wonderful - a deep friendship as well. As Leon Uris put it: "Love can’t mature in one room. It has to come out of the full sharing of everything: joys, aspirations, downfalls, all of it. That’s the only real path to love." The keywords for the Astrodice might be joy-spreader/diplomacy/communication. In the evolution of love, we learn to communicate our thoughts and feelings with respect for the other rather than intimidation or manipulation. It is heartfelt sharing rather than withholding that bonds us and creates joy and contentment.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Fast Flowing

From the PetraK Tarot, the Five of Discs; from the Astrodice, Saturn/Libra/12th House:

The sands of time, money, and energy flow quickly through two discs while three other discs attempt to stem the flow. We are burning through our days with nothing left over, creating worry and stress. It is interesting that this Five of Discs represents things in the physical realm, while the Astrodice roll shows the 12th House that rules all things not in the material realm (the unconscious, our deepest thoughts and emotions). Is there something hidden in the unconscious that is driving this behavior? Saturn suggests we meet our challenges with prudence and perseverance, while Libra instructs us to correct imbalances. What is the solution? Pay attention to what is going on now (including what is running through our mind) and don't let the choke collar of unfounded thoughts or intense emotions jerk us around.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Little Sprouts

This week I'll be using the PetraK Tarot, created by Petra Reiter-Köck and published by Piatnik. The oracle I'll be using this week is the AstroDice, created by Wessex Astrologer Ltd. It consists of three dice: one for Planets, one for Signs and one for Houses. From the PetraK Tarot, the Hierophant; from the Astrodice, Saturn/Capricorn/Sixth House:

Like the little sprout this Hierophant holds, I think we are all born with something inside that wants to grow and compels us to nurture it. Each sprout is unique to each person; some find its fertilizer in creativity, physical activities or intellectual pursuits, while others have spiritual leanings. Regardless of the path, its full development usually requires a mentor. Saturn is concerned with perseverance in the face of challenges while Capricorn encourages order and responsibility. The Sixth House refers to daily routines and habits. Together with the Hierophant, they suggest a need for commitment, patience and willingness to learn from another. Whatever we are trying to grow will require daily maintenance and care. 

You don't know what your abilities are until you make a full commitment to developing them.
~Carol S. Dweck

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Rabbit Holes

From the Herbcrafter's Tarot, the Devil (Blackberry); from the Green Wheel Oracle, Snake:

As a child, I spent several years on a farm; we were 'dirt poor', meaning we didn't own the land or home. But if we wanted something sweet to eat in the summer, blackberry bushes abounded in the hundreds of acres surrounding us. Blackberries have small but sharp briers, and rattlesnakes often hide within the brambles hoping for an unwary rat. Care and caution have to be employed while picking berries. Thus the Devil is a warning not to become ensnared by pleasure while ignoring everything else. After drawing this tarot card, there was no surprise that snake showed up. But its symbolism implies a way through more than a warning. Snake suggests we stay grounded and connected to the earth it moves on. Otherwise, we might disappear down a rabbit hole of self-absorbed gratification and lose our way.

Don't slide down the rabbit hole. The way down is a breeze, but climbing back's a battle.
― Kate Morton

Friday, February 10, 2023

I'm Ready

From the Herbcrafter's Tarot, the Four of Air (Swords); from the Green Wheel Oracle, Robin:

O sleep, O gentle sleep,
Nature's soft nurse, how have I frightened thee,
That thou no more will weigh my eyelids down,
And steep my senses in forgetfulness?
― William Shakespeare

I'm beginning to feel the desperation of the king in Shakespeare's play. I fall asleep quickly but wake soon thereafter; two to three hours of sleep is not enough, especially when it continues for over a month. I exercise six days a week, meditate every day, avoid caffeine and blue screens in the evening, and stay away from junk food. I have no major stress or worries, and even when I lie awake at night, my thoughts aren't anxious. I've tried every sleepy-time herbal tea and several supplements, as well as melatonin, deep breathing and hypnotherapy. Rather than the usual 'fresh start' key phrase, Barlow suggests the Robin represents crossing a threshold. If that threshold is a good night's sleep, I'm ready.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

As Above, So Below

From the Herbcrafter's Tarot, the Magician; from the Green Wheel Oracle, the Traveler's Moon:

The Magician always makes me think of the phrase "as above, so below" (from the hermetic Emerald Tablet). My personal use of this expression is that 'above' refers to my mind and 'below' to my day-to-day encounters. What I consistently focus on will color my perspective of the world and how I relate to it. The plant for this card - the sunflower - is known for its face following the sun as it grows. But once it matures, its head heavy with seed, it will stop moving and face eastward. What happens when our mind becomes rigid and unmoving, holding tightly to cherished opinions and ideas? The Traveler's Moon suggests movement and seeking. Can I allow my mind to stay open without relinquishing what I value? 

The more open-minded you are, the more you see the world as it actually is. The more closed-minded, the more you see the world as you want it to be.
—Adeo Ressi

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Be A Blessing

From the Herbcrafter's Tarot, the Madre of Air (Queen of Pentacles); from the Green Wheel Oracle, Cow:

The Madre of Air is associated with Motherwort, an herb that grows upright on a prickly bush. Unlike some other herbs in the mint family, it has an unpleasant smell and bitter flavor. Motherwort contains numerous compounds with antioxidant properties, compounds that protect cells from damage caused by potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals. Such is this Queen, whose purpose is to nurture and protect but whose honest objectivity can often be unpleasant when heard. Yet her clarity and wisdom are shared not to hurt but to help. Cow, often a symbol of abundance, represents blessings. It reminds those who speak honestly with others to do so in a kind, gentle manner. Brutality is never a blessing.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Much to Give

From the Herbcrafter's Tarot, Nine of Earth (Pentacles); from the Green Wheel Oracle, the Water Moon:

The Nine of Earth suggests fulfillment and enjoyment, a result of hard work and self-discipline. The saying about "an apple a day" can be traced to 19th-century Wales, where the original phrase was "Eat an apple on going to bed, and you'll keep the doctor from earning his bread." Those of us who grew up with little know that it's not possible to feed a family's hunger with expensive, healthy foods. Many of us thought the apples, oranges and nuts in our Christmas stockings were a treat, not a punishment. It's easy to overlook how economics affect nutrition and health. The Water Moon suggests release, especially on an emotional level. Those of us who've lived with lack may find it hard to let go of that mindset and be generous. As Guthrie writes in her companion booklet, "Measure your wealth by what you have to give." Compared to many, we have much we could let go of (and likely wouldn't miss it).

Monday, February 6, 2023

Mental Flexibility

From the Herbcrafter's Tarot, the Hija of Earth (Page of Pentacles); from the Green Wheel Oracle, Midwinter:

A young girl makes a fence of linden branches, knowing that their flexibility will make them useful in her endeavor. Learning can open a wider space into our world or narrow it, depending on whether it makes our thinking more limber or rigid. The Buddhist slogan, "Liberate even the antidote," points to our habit of becoming attached to a concept and attempting to apply it to everything. Yet the Midwinter card - with the Hunter who brings chaos before regeneration - implies that laying a set framework won't work in an ever-changing world. We need to pay attention to each moment as a different experience, even if it appears the same. Our relationship to it will be more beneficial if it is as flexible as linden.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Information Exchange

This week I'll be using the Herbcrafter's Tarot, created through the combined efforts of Joanna Powell Colbert and Latisha Guthrie. The set is published by U.S. Games. Paired with it will be the Green Wheel Oracle, created and self-published by Danielle Barlow. Today's draws are the High Priestess and Toad:

JPC's card shows an unfinished mugwort dream pillow. Though mostly used today in moxibustion by Chinese acupuncturists, it has in times past been burned or smoked to promote vivid dreams. Dreams allow the mind's content to slip past the censorship of the ego. Researchers believe that the purpose of dreams is to take the sting ('this is personal') out of painful emotional experiences so that we can learn from them and move on. Toad represents justice and balance; Barlow suggests its appearance means we've received a powerful call. This might mean we must confront ourselves - our own attitude and actions. However,  it could point to a need to stand up for imbalances or injustices in our community. Rather than taking the shape of shame or hatred, it can just be a clear, unadorned exchange of information.

I have several times made a poor choice by avoiding a necessary confrontation.
—John Cleese

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Into Action

From the Victoria Regina Tarot, the King of Wands; from the Alchemist's Oracle, Decisions:

Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.
~Benjamin Disraeli

The King of Wands is illustrated with Benjamin Disraeli, a politician and a writer. He was much admired by Queen Victoria; it was he who ended her protracted mourning period after Albert's death and drew her back into a more public role. Like the King of Wands, Disraeli was a leader who inspired others with his boldness, ambitions, and innovative approach. The Decisions card suggests weighing the pros and cons of possible choices, choosing one that offers the best approach, and then engaging in action. But as Disraeli said, "Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most." Just one small step forward is the beginning.