From the Daniloff Tarot, the Seven of Swords; from the Kuan Yin Poems, Verse 11:
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Looking Over One's Shoulder
Monday, February 3, 2025
Stay on It
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Light Not Heat
This week I'll be using the Daniloff Tarot, created and self-published by Alexander Daniloff. I'll also be using a set of Kuan Yin Sticks with the corresponding verses from Stephen Karcher's book The Kuan Yin Oracle as well as from Today's draws are the Two of Swords and Verse 46:
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Highest Form of Prayer
From the Tarot de St. Croix, the Ten of Cups; from the Archetype Cards, Messiah:
Do celebrations equal emotional fulfillment? While they can be pleasurable, they are without the ability to sustain good feelings for long. Contentment, on the other hand, is rooted in appreciation and gratitude, able to navigate the ups and downs of life. While it's always up for some fun or a new experience, it doesn't rely on them. Messiah archetypes are people who desire to humbly serve others. It may look like its shadow at first glance - people who never say no to anything that's asked of them. But such people are looking to feel worthy and needed (though they often just end up feeling used and resentful). True service doesn't look for anything in return - it has a well full of appreciation and contentment already.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Anyone Listening?
From the Tarot de St. Croix, the Five of Wands; from the Archetype Cards, Healer:
America, in its present divided and volatile state, needs another leader to show people how to protest peacefully without resorting to violence. MLK, Jr., Thich Nhat Hanh, and Gandhi all showed that beneficial change is possible if we have patience and avoid letting our frustration turn to rage as we oppose injustices. Unfortunately, such a leadership position isn't often sought after, as the leader often ends us dead, imprisoned or exiled. Yet violence is inevitable if the voices of those who suffer go unheard. Healer suggests a way to soothe and heal relationships through communication, but this only works if both parties are willing to be open-minded and listen sincerely to another perspective. However, folks generally behave as Steve Covey described: "Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply."
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Stagnant Disposition
From the Tarot de St. Croix, the Queen of Cups; from the Archetype Cards, the King:
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Narrow Focus
From the Tarot de St. Croix, the Magician; from the Archetype Cards, Detective:
Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus. – Alexander Graham Bell
The companion booklet notes that the number of the Magician is the root number of the Sun and Wheel of Fortune. It is a hint that although we may have the resources to produce what we want, we also need a laser-like focus to get things to go the right way. Feeling like we have too much to do might cause us to try to multitask. Or, if our mind is on something more entertaining that we'd like to be doing, we might not be fully concentrated on the task at hand. Detective suggests that if things didn't turn out as expected, we might look carefully to see why. It might be that we left out something important, that our timing wasn't right, or that we simply need another pair of hands to help.
Monday, January 27, 2025
The Hive
From the Tarot de St. Croix, the World; from the Archetype Cards, Angel:
The companion book states that the World speaks of wholeness and numinous revelation, showing us that we are connected to all that is. Regardless of outer appearances and the pride we take in our personal views, we are interdependent and thus connected. All things depend on other factors - causes and conditions - to exist. Pull one leg off of a table and it becomes unstable; remove another and it ceases to stand. To understand and embrace this connection is to step through a portal of awakening. Angel reminds us that kindness and a willingness to help those in need is a sane choice, not a weak one. As Marcus Aurelius wrote, "That which is not good for the swarm, neither is it good for the bee."
Sunday, January 26, 2025
This week I'll be using the Tarot de St. Croix, created and self-published by Lisa de St. Croix. Along with it, I'll be drawing from the Archetype Cards, created by Caroline Myss and published by Hay House. Today's cards are the Five of Cups and Destroyer:
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Checks and Balances
From the Urban Tarot, the Ten of Pentacles; from the Principles to Live By, Simplicity:
Friday, January 24, 2025
Actual Facts
From the Urban Tarot, the Five of Disks; from the Principles to Live By, Discernment:
Scott writes that we are fragile beings living fragile lives. The Five of Disks is subtitled Worry; it indicates a threat to our financial or physical security. This card takes me back several months ago when my husband was told he had a cancerous tumor on his kidney. When our knees buckle with such news, it is important to rely on Discernment, the ability to see clearly and objectively. Our emotional reaction can cause us to expect the worst and fear that there is no hope for any sort of positive outcome. When everything seems too big and overwhelming, we need a wise, insistent friend or family member to point out other beneficial alternatives if we take corrective action. As Buddha said, “Good friends, companions, and associates are the whole of the spiritual life.”
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Learning, Inside and Out
From the Urban Tarot, Strength; from the Principles to Live By, Open-mindedness:
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Nothing Lacking
From the Urban Tarot, the Three of Disks; from the Principles to Live By, Contentment:
The Three of Disks illustrates a concentrated effort enforced with determination and tenacity. We lean into what seems immovable, and slowly progress is made. It's not that things are finished, but our vision can be seen in the shape of what materializes. Such a project often requires a cooperative undertaking, like the construction of this building. The Contentment tile might seem as if to suggest that we don't need to be ambitious, but that would be a description of complacency. The root of the word contentment comes from the Latin contentus, which means “held together” or “whole.” This principle actually helps us be more discerning about what gives our life meaning, so that we can focus on what is important to us.Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Waiting for Us
From the Urban Tarot, the Queen of Disks; from the Principles to Live By tiles, Acceptance:
Scott describes the Queen of Disks as the emotional center in the material realm. Like her husband, she appreciates what is tangible - her home, food, beautiful things and financial security. Yet because of her watery aspect, she also recognizes the resources she has in people, including family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers. How often has someone gotten a job because they knew someone who could speak up for them? Acceptance is being receptive to reality without fighting what cannot be changed. Many of us might think we don't have the perfect family or are a part of an unpopular social group, but wouldn't some of them help us in a crisis or support us when an opportunity opens? We may need to look at our connections from a wider perspective.
Monday, January 20, 2025
It's Not Personal
From the Urban Tarot, the Knight (King) of Disks; from the Principles to Live By tiles, Equanimity:
Scott writes that the Disks court is a quiet group, determined and devoted, letting their work speak for itself. Resourceful is another description of this collective. Scott's Knight/King of Disks illustrates this trait, creating an amazing feast with what he has at hand. He knows how to improvise and think on his feet when an ingredient is missing or the unexpected happens. Such a situation is an appropriate transition to the Equanimity, a principle that represents the ability to remain calm and clear when we get the rug pulled out from beneath us. It doesn't mean we're indifferent to our circumstances, but that we are able to manage our emotions so that we respond rationally and constructively.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Get Moving
This week I'll be using the Urban Tarot, a deck and book set created and self-published by Robin Scott (though now published by U.S. Games). I'll be pairing it with an oracle I created called "Principles to Live By." Today's draws are the Chariot and Gratitude:
Saturday, January 18, 2025
From the Gill Tarot, the Seven of Wands; from the Circle Deck, Consequences:
Friday, January 17, 2025
Cleaning the Mirror
From the Gill Tarot, the Sun; from the Circle Deck, Sanctuary:
There are so many things we hide in the shadows - what causes us pain or sadness, that which creates fear, and those matters we're just too stressed to deal with. But under the Sun, those shadows invite us to dance, to relate with them not as an enemy but as an ally that helps us see life with clarity and understanding. Its warmth soothes and its radiance releases the energy that we were using to keep everything concealed. Sanctuary is not meant as a place to avoid and hide from life; instead, it is a sheltered place to do such work with a feeling of safety.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
A Little of Both
From the Gill Tarot, the Princess (Page) of Swords; from the Circle Deck, Trust:
Having a lot of knowledge and the intellect to wield it can be a dangerous thing if there is no kindness to balance it. Such intelligence has need of an ethical counterbalance (think of Sherlock's Watson). Whether we are weighted on the heart side or the logic side, the Trust card encourages us to give the other end of the seesaw some leeway. Our well-being and that of others depends on both.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
From the Gill Tarot, the Seven of Cups; from the Circle Deck, Moderation:
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
What is Given
From the Gill Tarot, Death; from the Circle Cards, Surrender:
Intellectually, we all know that we will die, that we will lose the things and people we love one day. But knowing it doesn't mean our hearts will embrace it. Lemony Snicket wrote that it is always a surprise when it happens: "It is like walking up the stairs to your bedroom in the dark, and thinking there is one more stair than there is. Your foot falls down, through the air, and there is a sickly moment of dark surprise as you try and readjust the way you thought of things." The Hanged Man tries to prepare us for those moments, giving us a chance to feel our powerlessness over certain situations. Thus, the Surrender card advises we need to stop fighting reality and accept it. If and when we do, we'll know to tread with more care and attention.Monday, January 13, 2025
There's a Difference
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Because It is Holy
This week I'll be using the Gill Tarot, created by Elizabeth Gill and published by U.S. Games. The oracle deck I'll be using with it is The Circle, created by D.R. Taylor and published by Versation Publishing. Today's draws are the Prince (Knight) of Swords and Caution:
The Prince/Knight of Swords acts on what he sees as a miscarriage of justice or a perversion of truth. His ideas of how things should be (the yellow light of his sword) are made manifest (the yellow light from his hand). Yet the Caution card suggests a pause before acting. Are we trying to help when we don't really understand the circumstances and situation? Homeless people living in a car don't need us to buy them a new TV. To truly serve others, we must see them as equals, not as people who need to be fixed. As Remen wrote, "We serve life not because it is broken but because it is holy."
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Effort and Attention
From the Granny Jones Australian Tarot, the Four of Wands; from the Button Oracle, Anchor:
This carpenter's hard work seems to be paying off in many ways. The tools in both his hands suggest his steady effort. Often known as the 'effort heuristic,' research shows we tend to appreciate and put more value on things we acquire through exertion and labor. Such success, even in the early stages, is so much sweeter. The Anchor button implies stability and being grounded. When we work hard for something and receive it, we then channel our effort into sustaining and caring for it. What is appreciated is not ignored and allowed to disintegrate from lack of attention.