I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Monday, December 9, 2013

Shifting Gears

From the Wildwood Tarot, the Wheel:
The Wheel represents movement and is a reminder that change is the natural order of all things. Of course that change doesn't happen on my timetable. What I love and enjoy is the clay that sticks to the rim of the wheel, then eventually dries and falls off (too soon), much like friendships or jobs I didn't want to see end. Then there is the pine sap that sticks and stays for what seems like forever, such as the annoying coworker or health issue that feels as if it will stick around forever. Yet even the sap wears off eventually. The loom in this image is between two hazel trees which suggest wisdom. Though I can't fight fate, I am not powerless - I still have choices. Even if that choice is in the attitude I have as that wheel turns, I can let wisdom be my guide.

From the Shaman's Oracle comes the "Ancestor of Memory:"
The buffalo cave painting is an appropriate one for the Ancestor of Memory. It is a reminder that it was almost hunted to extinction for sport, and the result was that many native people who depended on it starved. In combining this card with the Wheel above, I am encouraged to be aware of the patterns in my life. Even though change happens, I can still make the same choices over and over (though perhaps with different people and situations). This Ancestor suggests I learn from my mistakes and successes. Perhaps that is the true wisdom of the Wheel.

ETA: I am thinking of passing along the Wildwood Tarot to someone else (free), as I need to cull my collection down to a manageable size. If you are interested, please go to my profile in the sidebar where you will find a link to my email. You might also leave a comment here so I will remember to check my email! :)


  1. That is the beauty of living in cycles whether it be the seasons of a year or the seasons of life or perhaps through reincarnation. We always get a chance to start over and try again. and so we mature a gain the wisdom of the hazel trees.
    Beautiful post. I couldn't bear to part from the Wildwood tarot, What is you favorite deck?

    1. Oh gosh, I don't know if I have a favorite! I'm sure the Druidcraft would rank near the top, but there are times when a particular deck doesn't grab my attention and times when it "wows" me. Maybe I am a seasonal reader, lol. I probably wouldn't give away the Wildwood if I didn't have a copy of the Greenwood, which is similar in idea though not in art. I'm also probably going to pass on my Daughter's of the Moon deck and book (though those who care neither for feminism nor nudity probably won't care for it!).

    2. I have DOM too, But I hardly use is nowadays. Once I thought I couldn't live without it :)
      Your lucky or have a Greenwood deck

    3. Wise words from the Ancestor of Memory. We do tend to make the same choices over and over albeit different situations, different people ending up with the same result. Lesson not learned. One of the hardest things to learn is learning from our mistakes and successes and growing forward because of them.

      I love the Druidcraft deck as well although admit it doesn't come out often enough. You are indeed lucky to have the Greenwood. I have neither the Greenwood or Wildwood. Would love to have both and perhaps one day will.

      Have a great day ....

    4. Carol, if you would like one or both of the decks, please go to my profile page and email me your address. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Oh, I can't believe you're planning to get rid of the Wildwood! I was wowed by where the Wheel took you - just loved your thoughts on it! Anyhow, at least that one is easily available should you change your mind at a later point...

    1. Its time to cull the herd, which is always hard. But I have so many decks, that I feel like I need to give those that don't get much use to someone who might use them. Having a copy of the Greenwood helped with the decision though. :)

    2. I can see that, though I've never liked the artwork of the Greenwood that much, especially at the silly prices it goes at!

    3. Mi-shell, a true shaman originally from Russia (not the seminar on the weekend type), contacted the artist (who is completely off the grid) and has her permission to put both what Chesca wrote and her images of the cards on her website. She said she's given her blessing to anyone who wants to copy/download them.

    4. Thanks for the link. Still, for me, decks are to be shuffled and played with, but I'm sure it would be a breach of copyright to download the images and send them off to a printer. After all, they don't just belong to Chesca, Mark Ryan was involved in the creation process, too!

    5. Actually none of what is on the website link belongs to Ryan, that is all Chesca's. Because she wanted to stay off the grid, Chesca didn't want to be involved with a reprint, which is how a new book and deck (Wildwood) came about. However the link was ONLY for personal use, not to take it to a printer with the hopes of selling them.
