From the Wayfarer Tarot, the Five of Air; from the Curious Oracle, Nazar:
The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress.
―Joseph Joubert
It is a common belief that crows collect shiny objects, yet this is a myth. While tame crows have been known to supply humans they trust with trinkets, they don't collect baubles for themselves. There are many personal stories of crows stealing things like golf balls, but this is usually because they mistake them for food (an egg). As the saying goes, an anecdote does not equal data. But the Five of Swords contender will argue about everything they believe, read and heard, even if it all came from social media or a personal (likely biased) experience. Fly away quickly from these folks; they don't want to discuss anything; they just want to be right. The Nazar is an amulet to ward off the evil eye, a curse caused by jealousy or envy. How do you protect yourself from intellectual contenders? Refuse to argue, as this is delectable ambrosia to them.
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