I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Courageous Decision

This week I'll be using the Thoth Tarot, created by Aleister Crowley with Lady Frieda Harris and published by U.S. Games. As a companion book for this deck, I'll be utilizing The Crowley Tarot, written by Akron (Charles F. Frey) and Hajo Banzhaf. I will also be drawing from the Vertical Oracle, created by Antero Alli with Sylvie Pickering and published by Vertical Pool. Today's cards are the Lovers and Synchronicity:
          The Lovers card is overloaded with symbolism that primarily deals with opposites, from Lilith and Eve at the top to the king's Sacred Lance and the queen's Holy Grail at the bottom. The overall meaning is a courageous decision that brings about union and wholeness. It made me question whether I am suppressing a part of myself that if claimed would bring happiness and wholeness. I've done a lot of shadow work through several personal inventories. Yet I haven't worked on what Jung called the 'golden shadow' - the strengths and creative qualities often attributed to others yet disowned in oneself. Perhaps the Orphic Egg represents the restoration and renewal that awaits such work. The message of the Synchronicity card reads: "You have entered the No Coincidences Dept." The strange mirror images of the carousel horses reflect things coming together in unexpected ways. It may be the chance to merge all the sides of myself rather than compartmentalizing them, giving me a view of the forest rather than just a few trees.


  1. Can I hear the crackle of a creative project chosen synchronistically?

    1. I am totally baffled about what it is about, but I am curious to find out! :)

  2. There are a lot of pairs in those pair of cards. Look for things to repeat today or something that comes around again.

    1. There are a LOT of pairs; I'm thinking some will be combined into a unified, harmonious whole. :)

  3. Ah, seeing that Synchronicities card, I realise you've used this Oracle before, I remember it. Finding your Golden Shadow sounds like a wonderful, challenging spiritual project. It's a bit like the "What is hidden" position in some spreads - I often really struggle with that. They say that it may help to look to elements of the people closest to you, who most closely may reflect you...

    1. Yes, that strange card is hard to forget, lol. From what I've read about the 'golden' part of ourselves, we tend to project in onto others (seeing them with all the good qualities we actually have in ourselves). A true treasure hunt! :)
