This week I'll be using the Gill Tarot, created by Elizabeth Gill and published by U.S. Games. The oracle deck I'll be using with it is The Circle, created by D.R. Taylor and published by Versation Publishing. Today's draws are the Prince (Knight) of Swords and Caution:
The Prince/Knight of Swords acts on what he sees as a miscarriage of justice or a perversion of truth. His ideas of how things should be (the yellow light of his sword) are made manifest (the yellow light from his hand). Yet the Caution card suggests a pause before acting. Are we trying to help when we don't really understand the circumstances and situation? Homeless people living in a car don't need us to buy them a new TV. To truly serve others, we must see them as equals, not as people who need to be fixed. As Remen wrote, "We serve life not because it is broken but because it is holy."
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