I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Monday, February 24, 2014

Watching the Rodeo

From the Tarot of the Absurd, the Star:
This card is perhaps one of the quirkiest illustrations of the Star I've ever seen, and it took several minutes for its meaning to sink in. The three monster-beasts represent physical, mental and emotional drama or chaos. When I'm riding one of those animals, I can't see it for what it is. But when I can step out of the situation or away from the people - detach - I can objectively see what is going on. I had such an experience during a meeting last night. The ongoing discussion got more and more complex, but not in an "uncovering the layers" sort of way. One woman used the the term "mental masturbation," and that adequately described what was going on. When I tried to point out the elephant in the room, I think some of them just thought I couldn't stay in the saddle intellectually. My hope and healing won't come from trying to be a better rider, but by standing back and watching the rodeo.

The card this morning from the Post Psychedelic Cyberpunk is the "Internet:"
Falkov describes the Internet as a network that has become a marketplace, stage, library and worldwide communication system, but unfortunately it also contains parasites, predators and viruses. It isn't inherently good or evil, but I still need to use common sense when I engage it. When I got home from the group last night, I questioned whether I wanted to remain a part of it. Like the Internet, it has both its pluses and minuses, but if I stay I'll need to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground while I'm there.


  1. Sounds like you've outgrown them. Recognizing I've grown beyond the usefulness of anything is like stumbling on the sidewalk. Wakes me up but the result is still a bit painful.

    1. It was quite a painful stumble, and I'm still asking myself if I'm just being judgmental.

  2. I think when you follow your gut feeling you know what is best for you. Perhaps you can go one or two times more to see if the atmosphere is still the same and then decide if you want to quit or not. Anyway choose for what is best for you,

  3. Love your interpretation of that decidedly weird Star card - taking a step back so we can enjoy the show, not get stuck as a part of it. And yet, maybe those crazy creatures look up to the dancer above for hope and enlightenment...

    1. This deck lends itself to interpretations that are outside the box for sure!
