I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

You Have the Right

From the Hoi Polloi Tarot, the Two of Cups; from the I Ching Pack, "Mountain over Water:"
The Two of Cups card shows that two lovers, friends, co-workers or family members are a strength to be reckoned with when their hearts are united. Both of these people have the same size giant goblets, indicating a true partnership. But wait... the man seems to be reaching out toward the woman's cup. Is he trying to help support her load, or is he trying to take something that isn't his? Again I'll look to the I Ching card for answers. Mountain over Water is an image of water flowing down the mountain due to gravity - the natural way rather than the forceful way. The keyword for this hexagram is "inexperience," and the book's commentary suggests a need to listen, put aside preconceived ideas and keep and open mind. While I may have certain rights in this relationship, the other person may have more experience in the unfolding situation. His or her input could be immensely helpful in finding a solution or in reaching a goal. I have the right to be stubborn or receptive, but I imagine only one of those liberties will be beneficial in making progress.


  1. The big question is if you recognize your part in the equation. Who is the most experienced one. Is it stubbornness or knowing you are indeed right? Being open minded is so important in a relationship and being flexible too. That way you can shift between being receptive and being the one with the solutions :)

    1. Definitely helps to be able to see objectively and not be afraid to either stand up and say you have the answer or admit the other person has more knowledge or experience. :)

  2. Tee hee, that last line sure made me laugh! I have the right to be a stubborn pain-in-the-butt, but it probably won't get me anything good ;) Hope you found the right balance for yourself!

    1. Sometimes it can be so hard for me to admit that someone else might be right or make a good point (glances at husband). Hee hee - bless his patience!

    2. He must think you're worth being patient with :)
