I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Solid as a Rock

From the Roots of Asia Tarot, the King of Cups; from the Earth Power Oracle, the Avebury Standing Stones:
Other than his face, this King of Cups appears to be made of shells, exoskeletons and fins; this exterior guards what is interior. He pours out unconditional love, but he protects himself from being drawn into any emotional chaos. The booklet labels this card as "The highest emotional responsibility." That's quite a description to live up to - how does he handle it? The King of Cups knows he can't really solve another person's problems for them. But he can give them a sane environment to talk about and work through their feelings in hopes the light of insight will dawn. He is much like the Avebury Standing Stones, providing a sacred, emotional space. Years ago I wrote these lines about my love for rocks and stones: "Their solidness is comforting, an antidote to the shifts and changes in my world." Those words express the responsibility and value of this king.


  1. I guess that 's why I love my rocks and crystals so much too. They are always there and always the same. Once the preschool teacher of S told me I had to be the rock in her stormy seas where she could hold on too to become calm and quiet again.

    1. That's it exactly. We can't change what's going on, but we can provide some solidity until things change. :)

  2. I often tend to see the darker side of the King of Cups, his unwillingness to let go of his protections. Good to have this reminder of why that, too, can be the most compassionate thing to do! And though I associate strongly with Air and Fire, I do love the solidity of rock, the groundingness it offers. Altogether, a lovely post, Bev :)

    1. I tend to be an airy sort of person (what else for an Aquarian, lol), so I do need to balance it out with the groundedness of earth. :)
