I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Monday, September 16, 2024

Up in the Air

From the Wheel of Change Tarot, the Seven of Wands; from the Oracle of the Dreamtime, Bogong Moth:

To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest.
— Pema Chodron

The joy and harmony of Six is now undergoing a disturbance. Like the juggler's fiery batons, what once seemed settled has now been tossed up in the air. With such a change, we need to pull on our inner strength and courage to ride this roller coaster to its finish. The key is to see each moment as fresh and not project our anxiety onto how this might play out. The Bogong Moth had beautiful colors and a curiosity to match. It wanted to visit the mountains to know why they were white while the forest it lived in was green. Once it arrived, it began to snow, burying the moth until spring. When it was able to fly again, it saw that all of its colors had faded from its wings and now lived in the flowers. To sacrifice means we give up something for a greater cause, for something of a greater value. Change creates the necessity of letting go of what we know for something different yet still good.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Endurance with Direction

This week I'll be using the Wheel of Change Tarot, a deck and book set created by Alexandra Genetti and published by Inner Traditions. The second deck I'll be drawing from is the Oracle of the Dreamtime, a compilation of Australian Aboriginal art and Dreamings by Donni Hakanson; this deck and book set was published by Journey Editions. Today's cards are the Nine of Wands and Frog:

Resilience is distinct from mere survival, and more than mere endurance. Resilience is often endurance with direction. ~Eric Greitens

How is a didgeridoo made? First the right eucalyptus tree must be found, one slightly hollowed out by termites. After the termite tunnels and bark are removed, the wood must dry for 6 to 8 months. Then the trunk is cut at just the right place, and the interior is carved out (being careful not to carve too much). The outside is slimmed, being sure to keep the same thickness the entire length (adjusting for termite tunnels), and the tone is adjusted. Finally, the outside is varnished and a beeswax mouthpiece added. Like crafting a didgeridoo, crossing any finish line takes resilience, a combination of persistence and flexibility. The Dreamtime story of Frog tells of how he was so thirsty, he drank up all the water. When the other thirsty animals found the billabong dry and saw the swollen frog, they decided to make him laugh to release the water (which the eel finally did). The ability to see humor in trying circumstances is an important tool in resilience. Rather than getting bogged down by anger, it helps us meet our challenges with a light heart.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Passionate Energy

From the Alchemical Tarot Renewed, the Ace of Wands; from the Oracle of the Radiant Sun, Impulsiveness (Mars in Aries):

Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.
~Oprah Winfrey

I've always felt that having something enjoyable to engage in helps make life meaningful. And a diverse group of friends can inspire us when we have some space to fill, especially if we're in the mood for something different. Nothing is like that feeling of excited anticipation when we begin a new project or endeavor. But the fiery combination of Mars in Aries warns of Impulsiveness. Our credit card might take a hit if we're so fueled with enthusiasm that we forget to be prudent. Start out slow instead and see if this hobby or interest sticks.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Keep the Questions Coming

From the Alchemical Tarot Renewed, the Nine of Swords; from the Oracle of the Radiant Sun, Manipulation (Jupiter in Scorpio):

Life is a whole journey of meeting your edge again and again. That’s where you’re challenged; that’s where, if you’re a person who wants to live, you start to ask yourself questions like, “Now, why am I so scared? What is it that I don’t want to see? Why can’t I go any further than this?”
― Pema Chödrön

This fellow has met his edge; either he will become overwhelmed and give up, or he will start questioning those thoughts fueled by intense emotions. If he's curious, he might discover those swords are hanging over him but pose no immediate threat. Manipulation (Jupiter in Scorpio) takes away people's freedom to choose - people are told what to think instead of how to think. It is another edge, one that we might notice if we realize a particular viewpoint is being shoved at us. Apply Albert Einstein's words to the situation: “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” If you've ever been asked 'why' a million times in an hour by a preschooler, you know the power of the question!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Shaded Glasses

From the Alchemical Tarot Renewed, the Lady of Coins; from the Oracle of the Radiant Sun, Eccentricity (Saturn in Aquarius):

Everything depends on the color of the crystal through which one sees it.
– Pedro Calderón de la Barca

In Place's Tarot deck, the Ladies are not Pages but the married partner of a Knight. The Lady of Coins appreciates beauty, whether out in nature or as a patron of the arts. Her message is to be grateful for the loveliness and wonder around us - to take time out from collecting stuff and start spending time appreciating all that surrounds us. Eccentricity combines the airy vision of Aquarius with the grounded pragmatism of Saturn. What would happen if our idea of beauty expanded, if we saw beyond society's view? We'd have a lot more to enjoy and be awed by.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


From the Alchemical Tarot Renewed, the Nine of Wands; from the Oracle of the Radiant Sun, Fortune (Sun in Leo):

Be willing to be uncomfortable. —Peter McWilliams

When people begin the path of recovery, whether the result of an injury or an addiction, they are often told, "Be willing to stand in the fire without running." We naturally want relief when fear or pain begin, and we find it hard to hold on to the idea that this will pass, that things will get better. But our resilience in holding firm is what will help us heal and grow instead of staying stuck. The Fortune of the Sun in Leo represents increased energy and self-confidence - traits that we develop when we, as Eleanor Roosevelt said, "do the thing you think you cannot do."

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Our Turn

From the Alchemical Renewed Tarot, the Wheel of Fortune; from the Oracle of the Radiant Sun, Empathy (Moon in Pisces):

I've seen fire and I've seen rain
I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I'd see you again
—James Taylor

The Buddhists call their Wheel the Wheel of Suffering - not because life is awful, but because we fail to grasp the impermanence of it. When things are going great, we suffer when they change; when things are difficult, we suffer because we think they won't change or won't change soon enough. It takes stepping into the hub of the wheel to see that everything is always in flux, and that it's not personal but a natural part of existence. Empathy is the ability to tap into and feel what someone else is going through, both their highs and their lows. As Mohsin Hamid put it, "Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself." This is a healthy exercise, not only for cultivating compassion, but also to remind us that whether we're atop the wheel or below it, it's just our turn to be 'it.'


Monday, September 9, 2024

But What About...

From the Alchemical Tarot Renewed, the Eight of Swords; from the Oracle of the Radiant Sun, Generosity (Saturn in Leo):

Paradox is where enlightenment is born... it’s in the tension of more than one truth being true that a new wisdom arises. ―Kai Cheng Thom

The trapped beast paces, feeling that he has no way out. Emotions can take our ability to think rationally offline; we look at the situation from one perspective only, in the direction that appears blocked. Generosity (Saturn in Leo) is not about tossing out coins, but about freely offering wisdom and encouragement to those in need. It's much like talking over our circumstances with a friend who acknowledges that the specific option we want is not open but points out that the other alternatives that we have overlooked. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Lesson from Trees

This week I'll be using the Alchemical Tarot Renewed along with the book Alchemy and the Tarot, both created by Robert M. Place and published by Hermes Publications. Paired with it will be the Oracle of the Radiant Sun deck and book set, created by Caroline Smith and John Astrop and published through Eddison-Sadd Editions. The draws for today are Death and Caution (Mercury in Virgo):

I realize there’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go. ―Jeffrey McDaniel

In alchemy, putrefaction meant decomposition, a first step in the pathway to the philosopher's stone. In life, we also have things to let go of if we want to move on to something better. Hatred makes no room for love in the heart, and shame's decree of unworthiness gives us no space to grow. Nothing that causes us to suffer is worth clinging to, especially when there is something better for us on the horizon. Caution (Mercury in Virgo) warns us not to run for the first thing we see after we drop what we've been grasping. It would be prudent to investigate and see the whole picture, knowing what such a commitment means.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Waiting Game

From the Fey Tarot, the Hanged Man; from the I Misteri della Sibilla, the King of Clubs (Doctor):

Patience is the road to wisdom. —Kao Kalia Yang

I was commiserating with a friend the other day who, like me, has a loved one recently diagnosed with cancer. We talked about the lab tests, CT scans and biopsies that got us to this point only to wait. She said, "It's like they hand you a bomb to hold and tell you they'll get back to you about dismantling it." And here is the Hanged Man, a fey holding his breath in the depths a strange world. Patience is not often something we practice willingly, but a mindset we are forced to adopt if we don't want to go nuts. Yet here is the Doctor (King of Clubs), who represents someone who is here to protect or solve a problem. Sometimes it's hard to remember these folks have many people to help and care for, not just us. Like waiting in line at the grocery store, we must wait our turn.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Checking Up on the Committee

From the Fey Tarot, the Ace of Swords; from the I Misteri della Sibilla, the Two of Clubs (Pride):

The mind’s committee is less like a communion of saints planning a charity event, and more like a corrupt city council, with the balance of power constantly shifting between different factions, and many deals being made in back rooms.
― Thanissaro Bhikkhu

A fey works to develop mental awareness and concentration in order to train her mind, guiding it so that it works in skillful rather than unwholesome ways. The ego is only concerned with thoughts that benefit it (if our ideas are selfish, self-referencing, or self-centered, we know who's chairing our mind's committee). The Two of Clubs - Pride - is one of the ego's favorite tools. It tells us we are always right and always know the best way to handle things. Unfortunately, it creates a hellish divide between us and all our relationships. This fey has the right idea; unless we're aware of what passes through our mind, we'll never question it.

Thursday, September 5, 2024


From the Fey Tarot, the Sun; from the I Misteri della Sibilla, the Two of Diamonds (Letter):

Mindfulness is about love and loving life. When you cultivate this love, it gives you clarity and compassion for life, and your actions happen in accordance with that. ~Jon Kabat-Zinn

The Sun illuminates all shadows, those that we're unaware of and those that we avoid. It shows us what is beautiful and good, but it also shows us the reality of life too. Yet once we see that reality without all of our assumptions and projections, it's so much easier to deal with what is. And with that gift also comes the ability to recognize the love and resources at hand as well. The Letter (Two of Diamonds) represents an exchange of news and information. Whatever it relays, it will help to shine some of those sunbeams on it, so we simply see it as it is. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Even On a Budget

From the Fey Tarot, the Four of Pentacles; from the I Misteri della Sibilla, the Five of Hearts (Joyous Heart):

The seeds we plant contain the potential to grow when conditions support them. What we practice becomes habit. What may at one time be beneficial can later become a form of imprisonment. 
~Jack Kornfield

This miserable looking fey is chained to his pentacle; the companion book suggests being a slave to one's habits. People raised by Depression era parents and grandparents, often hear "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without." That's not bad advice when money is tight, but it can create a mindset that is rigid when it comes to spending or sharing resources (even when we're flush). It may become an automatic behavior unless we become aware of it and recognize that it doesn't fit our present reality. Joyous Heart (Five of Hearts) shows a couple out on the town and represents lightheartedness. Fun can still be had on a budget. Hopefully that fey will pick up the key of awareness, unlock himself, and enjoy life a bit. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Eyes of Mercy

From the Fey Tarot, Justice; from the I Misteri Sibilla, the Jack of Hearts (the Lover):

Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.
― Cornel West

This fey of Justice sees with her third eye; discerning insight rather than personal opinion is what she relies on. The ego is far from impartial, and it can be LOUD when it thinks it isn't getting a large enough piece of the pie. But it helps not to take this mental construct so seriously, as Denis Kelly explained: “We can smile and nod when our ego, like a slightly unhinged relative who means well, offers its endless array of opinions, judgments, and knee-jerk reactions.” Instead of remaining self-absorbed, the Jack of Hearts suggests we give our attention to others, seeing them through the eyes of compassion and kindness.


Monday, September 2, 2024

In All Forms

From the Fey Tarot, the Six of Pentacles; from the I Misteri della Sibilla, the Two of Spades (Older Woman):

It is the heart that gives; the fingers just let go.
~Nigerian Proverb

A giantess of the fey world releases manna for everyone without judging who might be worthy. Charity and goodwill usually wind up in the media these days, but generosity needs no glory. The feeling of joy from seeing others' joy is reward enough. The Two of Spades card reminds me of my own mom, who at 86 plans to drive here to see me this coming weekend. My husband has been having some serious health problems; I haven't felt comfortable being too far away from him, so we haven't seen each other in several months. Generosity comes in all forms - even a visit from one's mom.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

No Standing Still

This week I'll be using the Fey Tarot, a book and deck set created by Riccardo Minetti and Mara Aghem. This set was published by Lo Scarabeo. The oracle deck I'll be using is the I Misteri della Sibilla, created by Ettore Maiotti and published by Dal Negro. Today's draws are the Four of Cups and Journey (Three of Clubs):

For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. 
~John F. Kennedy

When our system has been flooded with emotion, whether it was pleasurable or frightening, we often feel as exhausted as this fey. It takes a while for our bodies and minds to regain their balance. Just don't nap too long... The Sibilla Three of Clubs indicates a journey, possibly requiring both body and mind to saddle up and get moving. It's a good idea to pack some spiritual sustenance in our saddlebags for the trip.