I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Saturday, November 30, 2024

A Few Kites in the Air

From the Ellis Tarot, the Ace of Cups; from the Brownies Oracle, Attainment:

If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.
– John Maxwell

Ellis states that the Ace of Cups can include emotional healing and growth or a positive shift in attitude. We all have buttons that are easily pushed and an Achilles heel when it comes to our emotions. Growth involves being aware of these things and practicing a different response when we can catch ourselves. Although Attainment from the Brownies Oracle may seem to imply perfection, take a closer look at those kites they're trying to fly. Some of them are soaring, some in a tangle, and others still on the ground. Growth doesn't mean we're never angry, grieving or anxious, just that we're getting a little better at not repeating our same reactive patterns.

Friday, November 29, 2024


From the Ellis Tarot, the Six of Swords; from the Brownies Oracle, Plenty:

You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. – James Allen

Thoughts can be sticky things, following us around and revving up our anxiety or anger. We generally don't realize we are the ones adding the glue, reinforcing them with assumptions, projections and a lack of factual information. Instead, we could treat them like a door-to-door salesman; we open the door, acknowledge their presence, then tell them we're not buying anything and swiftly close the door. This will have to be repeated often for a while. Plenty brings to mind the Buddhist concept of emptiness. Rather than being a void, it is a space full of everything - an infinite range of possibilities. What it is empty of is the limitations we impose on it with our beliefs and narrow focus. No one can navigate the world well with blinders on. It's time to open our mind and widen our perspective.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Acknowledged Success

From the Ellis Tarot, the Six of Rods; from the Brownies Oracle, Defiance:

We all have challenges. We have to face them, embrace them, defy them, and conquer them. 
―Victoria Arlen

This fellow, though there are no crowds to cheer him, walks confidently with his companion. He knows how to validate himself for the challenges he meets successfully. Now, if only the road ahead could remain straight and smooth... But as Nietzsche reminds us, "There will always be rocks in the road ahead of us. They will be stumbling blocks or stepping stones; it all depends on how you use them." Defiance encourages us to remember our past accomplishments rather than becoming despondent when another problem arises. Self-confidence, based on what we have conquered already, can help us face present difficulties with optimism.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Stuck in Our Stance

From the Ellis Tarot, Temperance; from the Brownies Oracle, Revolution:

The people—confused and excited—hear only the strident voices of the audacious and refuse to listen to the voice of wisdom which, being wise, is temperate.
― Lloyd C. Douglas

When holding an extreme view - and we're so focused on being right, we rarely see it as such - we automatically close our mind to any other viewpoint. We think that to mix our opinions with another perspective only cancels them out, yet we actually cut off any avenue to the wisdom of reality. An open, temperate mind doesn't dump one view for another but sorts through, examines, and finds the best of both. Revolution suggests change, which will never happen (even beneficial change) if we can't soften our beliefs and attitudes. Who know what we might be missing by staying stuck in our stance?

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Rest and Retraining

From the Ellis Tarot, the Four of Swords; from the Brownies Oracle, Constraint:

Destructive patterns thrive on being hidden. That is what allows them to maintain their power. But if you are brave enough to arouse these powerful forces, to confront them, and to examine them, you can begin to free yourself from their control. 
―Judy Lief

The Four of Swords indicates it is time not only to rest and heal the mind, but to free it. As the Brownies point out, patterns of thinking that lead to rigid beliefs can constrain us. Choice doesn't matter much when we've developed a closed mind. It's like the lucky bamboo sold in stores and garden shops; straight stems are trained to curve around wires until they form spiral. Our thoughts can be trained the same way through repetition, even if what we assume isn't true. Freedom is surrendered when a certain thought generates a particular feeling followed by a habitual reaction. But the good news is that we can retrain our mind to see with clarity, allowing it to make an appropriate choice rather than an automated one.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Long Arc of One Circle

From the Ellis Tarot, the High Priestess; from the Brownies Oracle, Cycles:

The problem is we have a mind that creates a past, a future, and an endless supply of story lines and judgements. ― Mark Van Buren

This High Priestess is the middle pillar between darkness and light, growth and decay, prey and predator - things we tend to segregate. Ellis calls her the Keeper of What Can't be Taught; she leads us through calm stillness to the luminous mind. Here we encounter and begin to understand that even in what appears separate there is interconnection. Like different cells in a body, there is a single reality underlying the diversity of experience. Cycles reminds us that we have no immunity from traveling both the dark and light phases as we move through life. It may at times feel like we're stuck in a 'bad' phase, but sometimes the arc is long and simply takes more time to move around to the other side. 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Creative Energy

This week the tarot I'll be using is the Ellis Deck, created and self-published by Taylor Ellis. Paired with it will be the Brownies Oracle, created and self-published by Doug Thornsjo. Today's draws are the Queen of Rods and Shelter:

Creativity is an energy. It’s a precious energy, and it’s something to be protected.
—Ava DuVernay

Lichen is often seen growing on tree branches, but on unhealthy trees, it appears in profusion. The bark of a healthy tree continues to expand and slough off with the growth of the tree, but with a tree that isn't well, this process stops. It's no wonder that this Queen is adorned with lush growth, as she is a nurturer of creativity and development. She would tell us not to worry about making mistakes, as these are to be expected, but to keep working at cultivating our talent. The Brownies warn us to shelter ourselves and the project we're working on. There are those who love to criticize, not to be helpful, but to squash our confidence and enthusiasm. 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Thy Name Is Fear

From the Prairie Tarot, the Devil; from the Medicine Cards, Deer:

No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.
—Edmund Burke

Devil, thy name is Fear. Fear can make us believe a few scorpion stings are better than what's on the other side of those swinging doors. Over-indulgence and rage are two tools it uses, tools that can create more problems rather than facing our apprehension. As David Allen stated, "Anything that causes you to over-react or under-react can control you, and often does." Deer comes to suggest we stop fighting and trying to ignore how we feel. Gentleness and kindness are what the heart and mind will respond to in a positive way, giving us a chance to ground and center ourselves before we walk through those doors.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Free Fall

From the Prairie Tarot, the Tower; from the Medicine Cards, Eagle:

To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest. To live fully is to be always in no-man's-land, to experience each moment as completely new and fresh. 
—Pema Chodron

Humans bank on things that they believe will provide them with security and certainty - money, religion, education, power, health regimens, etc. It's not that these things aren't helpful, but the nature of life is constant change and impermanence; there is no way to escape loss, aging, sickness and death. If we look outward, we will find these things hold true for everyone. Eagle is a reminder of Great Spirit (Ground of Being, Power Greater than Ourselves). A spiritual path won't keep us safe from the hard knocks of life, but it can soften the blows, providing us comfort and a way to adjust.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

The Balance of Success

From the Prairie Tarot, the World; from the Medicine Cards, Elk:

The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you've lost it.  –Anonymous

Attempts at forcing the world to submit to our whims and desires only create more challenges when we are trying to bring anything to completion. This wise tightrope walker has figured out what she can control, things she might influence, and situations she simply needs to accept to achieve her goal. Now, she finds herself having done what she set out to do. I'd bet she also took William Arthur Ward's words to heart: "A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life." Elk, knowing that our adrenaline rush of success will wear off soon, offers us the advice to pace ourselves if we want to maintain our stamina as we move from our present achievement to the next objective.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Daily Practice

From the Prairie Tarot, the King of Cups; from the Medicine Cards, Armadillo:

Developing a resiliency, a grit, a level of poise, a composure, a level of perspective, confidence, courage, compassion. These are all things you can work on daily. 
–Aaron Gordon

When life's sea is tranquil and the people around us calm, it's pretty easy to be composed. But get lost in a big city while on a twelve-lane interstate with bumper-to-bumper traffic and see what happens. The King of Cups would advise us to practice composure daily, especially with small, unexpected things, in order to prepare for the bigger ones. The sea never stays peaceful for long. Armadillo, with its well-armored body, reminds us that we can decide just how much of others' upsets or negativity we allow to invade our mind. Even if we're in close quarters, we can choose not to be infected with another person's agitation or panic (but prepare by practicing).

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Make Hay

From the Prairie Tarot, the Ace of Wands; from the Medicine Cards, Salmon:

When the sun shineth, make hay.
~John Heywood

Cock-a-doodle-doo! Wake up and get moving! The Ace of Wands is a sign that we've been inspired to create or motivated to act. But if we wait too long, our enthusiasm will begin to dissipate, and we'll start to second guess ourselves. If we're not sure how to begin, Salmon tells us to follow our inner nudges, just as it follows its way back to the waters of its birth. Start swimming and follow that inner knowing. 

Sunday, November 17, 2024


This week I'll be using the Prairie Tarot, created and self-published by Robin Ator. Paired with it will be the Medicine Cards, a deck and book set published by St. Martin's Press and created by David Carson and Jamie Sams. Today's draws are the Six of Coins and Snake:

I learned to value the small transactions as well as the large.
—Frank Lowy

Rather than an act of charity, this Six of Coins shows a transaction. Is this man buying just the horse or acres of land too? Either way, honesty and integrity are relied upon. The seller (or bank) wants payment in a timely manner, and the buyer wants to know he's not investing in something worthless. As one man reaches out to 'shake on it,' the other pauses to consider whether this is a deal he wants to commit to. Both parties need to do their homework before the deal is struck. Snake medicine represents the transmutation of poison into understanding and wisdom. Past lapses in judgment can help us be more wary of current transactions. As John Cena put it, " If you don't learn from your mistakes, then they become regrets."

Saturday, November 16, 2024

80% Behavior

From the PetraK Tarot, the Knight (King) of Discs; from the Astrodice, Mercury/Sagittarius/6th House:

Personal finance is only 20% head knowledge. It’s 80% behavior!
– Dave Ramsey

This Knight (King) of Discs reminds me of the saying "keep your head above water." This fellow, who has enough earth to restrain his fire, knows how to manage finances when things are good or bad. Not a person to take risks, he is known for being prudent and practical. He concentrates on the tasks that need his attention and avoids unnecessary distractions. Besides communication, Mercury is also known for problem solving, which works well with the curiosity and desire to learn of Sagittarius. The 6th House deals with work and well-being. Together with the Knight of Discs, they suggest that we don't assume we're managing our finances and health wisely but to investigate the evidence. We need to be able to keep our heads up when waters rise.

Friday, November 15, 2024


From the PetraK Tarot, the Prince (Knight) of Cups; from the Astrodice, Saturn/Sagittarius/8th House:

But your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Without, everything seems discordant; only within does it coalesce into unity. Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes. ~Carl Jung

The steamy Prince of Cups is a combination of fiery passion and watery, emotional depths - the airy part of water. He is clever and open-minded as well as sensitive, creating a personality that is both introspective and expansive.  The Prince is learning how to shape his desires into reality. The 8th House, which represents what our relationships can bring us and how we can get the most out of them, is tempered with the curiosity and honesty of Sagittarius. It is further limited by the structure and discipline of Saturn. As Jung writes, we should not mistake our outer projections for reality; instead, we should dive within and explore the root of our desires to discover what will give our life a deeper meaning.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

The Next Generation

From the PetraK Tarot, the Ten of Discs; from the Astrodice, Uranus/Taurus/4th House:

Legacy is not what I did for myself. It's what I'm doing for the next generation.
—Vitor Belfort

If we charted the way we spent our time, energy and money for a month, what would it look like? How we live and expend these resources will create the legacy we will leave for those who come behind us. We might like to judge ourselves by our intentions, but others will base their assessment on our actions. Perhaps following the Dalai Lama's advice would be wise: if you can't help, at least don't harm. Uranus suggests that, although we all have long to-do lists, we breakthrough our busyness for altruistic purposes (though Taurus reminds us not to neglect things that are actually necessary). The 4th House tells us to begin with home and family and work outward. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Less "You"

From the PetraK Tarot, the Seven of Cups; from the Astrodice, Sun/Capricorn/4th House:

The less 'you' there is, the greater the level of awareness. ~Michael H. Brooks

What is missing from this card? A person. Selfing (selfishness, self-centeredness, self-referencing) creates blinders and filters that separate us from reality, distorting the decisions we make. The best choice for emotional fulfillment often gets overlooked by the options that appear to be more fun, might improve social standing or could be the easiest way to success. When the real world impinges on our fantasy, the veil lifts briefly. If we can take our "I" out of the equation, if only briefly, we might make saner choices. In the Astrodice roll, the vitality and drive of the Sun merges with the patience and hard work of Capricorn. However, the 4th House suggests these efforts be made toward our home and family rather than seeking contentment outside of our domestic refuge.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Don't Add Fuel

From the PetraK Tarot, the Queen of Cups; from the Astrodice, South Node/Virgo/3rd House:

Real equanimity isn’t indifference. It’s the capacity to be present with your whole being and not add fuel to the fire. —Jack Kornfield

People love to be around this attentive queen because her calm demeanor has a way of rubbing off on whomever she's around. It's not that she doesn't get angry, sad or worried - she does, but she doesn't identify her life as an emotion. She would tell us uncomfortable feelings are simply energetic messengers that show up because we are in opposition to the way things are. South Node suggests that we have emotional habits that make us feel secure. Yet by using Virgo's focus, we can resist letting our emotions override reality when we relate to others (3rd House).

Monday, November 11, 2024

Move on Down the Road

From the PetraK Tarot, the Five of Wands; from the Astrodice, Mercury/Gemini/1st House:

A perfectly straight shot with a big club is a fluke.
—Jack Nicklaus

When we want to get something accomplished as efficiently as possible, multiple obstacles or distractions will likely appear. Particularly when this is a joint venture, there always seem to be a variety of ideas about how things should proceed. Rather than getting frustrated and angry, we can remember our goal or purpose. Mercury's skill in thinking and communicating logically combines with Gemini's ability to be versatile and branch out. The 1st House (how others see us and how we relate to our world) suggests that instead of trying to hold the conductor's baton, we listen and discuss things openly as a member of the orchestra. If everyone feels heard, things are likely to move on down the road a little bit quicker.

Sunday, November 10, 2024


This week I'll be using the PetraK Tarot, created by Petra Reiter-Köck and published by Piatnik. I'll be pairing with this deck a roll from the Astrodice, a kit produced by The Wessex Astrologer Ltd. Today's card and roll are the Ace of Discs and South Node/Aries/6th House:

Our character is basically a composite of our habits. 
—Stephen Covey

This disc hovers between a tree with green leaves and a branch of autumn leaves. Our life is made of changing seasons, when some things in our physical world need more of our attention than others. Home repairs, more sleep, a closer eye on our spending, or addressing health concerns are all part of our own changing seasons. The South Node points out how our experiences have shaped and formed our habits and patterns. The 6th House focuses on daily routines, including our health and wellness. Together with Aries, these dice suggest we make an assertive and energetic effort to change any unhealthy tendencies so that we enjoy a season of well-being rather than tolerate one of discontent and discomfort.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Capacity for Delight

From the Herbcrafter's Tarot, the Curandera (Healer) of Fire; from the Green Wheel Oracle, Boar:

The price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change.
—William J. Clinton

The leaves of damiana have been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac (though research hasn't shown an increase of libido in humans). It is symbolic of passion, and this Curandera asks us if we have been trudging through life and lost our joie de vivre. What do we need to reignite our passion and enthusiasm? Do we mistakenly think that taking time for pleasure and invigorating our senses is wasted time? Boar tells us to slow down and go root around along the woody paths that few travel. Exploring new things can awaken our curiosity and reignite our passion. As Julia Cameron wrote, "The quality of life is in proportion, always, to the capacity for delight. The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention."

Friday, November 8, 2024

Spectacular Happiness?

From the Herbcrafter's Tarot, the Ten of Water (Red Clover); from the Green Wheel Oracle, Imbolc:

The world is full of people looking for spectacular happiness while they snub contentment. 
—Doug Larson

The Ten of Water is represented by red clover, an herb that may help women with menopausal hot flashes. Yet farmers also know it as fodder that feeds livestock and as a nitrogen-fixing plant that feeds the soil. What are we feeding our emotional selves? Are we harboring resentments, feeling jealous of what others have, or wallowing in self-pity? Or are we practicing gratitude, offering kindness, and seeking wisdom? As Ezra Bayda explained, “happiness comes from the inside; it cannot depend on our external life circumstances.” Imbolc is a seasonal celebration when the seeds of spring are beginning to stir and when many herd animals are about to give birth to their first offspring of the year. The emotional thoughts we nurture are seeds that will sprout and grow, bringing us contentment or misery. Only we can determine what kind of emotional harvest we will gather.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Stoking the Fire

From the Herbcrafter's Tarot, the Madre of Fire (Queen of Wands); from the Green Wheel Oracle, Raven:

Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.
―BrenĂ© Brown

The ancient Greeks burned thyme as an incense and used it in their baths, believing it to be a source of bravery. In the Middle Ages, knights and warriors were given gifts that included time to bring courage to its bearer. This Queen/Mother encourages us to stoke the embers of the creative fire within us. Such an effort may require our own fearlessness as we expose a part of ourselves to the world. Raven brings the ability to see over great distances and asks us to see beyond our apprehensions and take a chance on our creative ideas. The honey bees around him remind us how sweet and rewarding any form of creating can be when we do it without obsessing about the result. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Calmness and Clarity

From the Herbcrafter's Tarot, Temperance (Camellia); from the Green Wheel Oracle, Salmon:

Calmness is the cradle of power. —Josiah Gilbert Holland

Temperance advises us that mindfulness leads to clarity and the ability to discern appropriate action. Camellias are known for their lovely ornamental blooms in the fall, but Camellia sinensis is known as the ‘tea plant.’  It is the most common plant in the world to be used to make tea (green and black), usually from young leaves. Making and sipping tea gives us a chance to slow down and widen our tunnel vision. Salmon invites us to return to the internal source of an issue. As Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche suggests, " If an emotion or a disturbing state of mind is too painful to look at directly, seek the underlying condition that holds it in place. You may be surprised at what you discover."

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

It's Not Magic

From the Herbcrafter's Tarot, the Seven of Earth (Oak); from the Green Wheel Oracle, Birthing Moon:

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.
—Colin Powell

Oaks are slow growers but are long-lived and strong. They teach us patience and fortitude when trying to 'plant' and cultivate a project or goal. The Birthing Moon is illustrated with a blackthorn, a densely branched tree with sharp thorns. Anyone who has borne a child or been beside someone during labor knows that birth requires blood, sweat and suffering. Just as we can't pick the sloes from the blackthorn without dealing with its spines that stab, neither can we expect to cultivate anything without patient labor. Endure now for the harvest later.