I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Monday, July 22, 2024

Vulnerable to Illusions

From the Out of Hand Tarot, the Moon; from the Seashells Playing Cards, the American Stiff Pen:

Cognitive psychology tells us that the unaided human mind is vulnerable to many fallacies and illusions because of its reliance on its memory... ―Steven Pinker

A hand holds a mirror that shows another hand holding the moon. What is real and what is illusion? Our minds have tripwires for anything in the present that even slightly resembles something or someone from our past. Once those wires have been triggered, our mind doesn't bother to register all the facts in front of us, it just fills in the blanks from our old memories. Strong emotions - good or bad - are often a hint that we are relying on unconscious information. The American Siff Pen anchors itself to the sandy seabed using a bundle of silky fibers called a byssus. This clam also can heal small holes or breaks in its shell. It suggests we ground ourselves while curiously examining what is factual and what is pure assumption. Then we can repair these 'holes' with the evidence we find. 


  1. OHHHHH, the Out of Hand tarot is the one that got away for me. I have this thing about hands—Rose gave me a drawing of hands for one of my birthdays and I’ve got the clasped hands in a photo print from the Graven Images Oracle. Plus Jamie has hands doing things in that deck that I do. Lovely to see that you have it. I wish that a great artist like Jamie would not do such limited editions. AND a playing card! I recently bought the Alice in Wonderland Oracle with art by Paolo Barbieri and I was rooting around my playing cards to find the Alice playing cards by LS to go with it. Decks ahoy. (Judy)

    1. Jamie has a pocket size edition fully funded on Kickstarter that will end soon! This is an eBay find that arrived much dented (and likely pirated), so I bought the digital companion book to feel like I was supporting the artist.

    2. Thanks for letting me know!

    3. Got it! Here’s to Jamie Sawyer, one of the most talented artists I’ve ever seen, and hands creating and doing.

    4. I'm so glad. Jamie is an artist with great talent and a fresh, interesting perspective!
