I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Sunday, July 14, 2024

A Brain to Pick

This week I'll be using the Badgers Forest Tarot, a deck created and self-published by Nakisha VanderHoeven. Along with it, I'll be using my Gemstone Oracle (with actual stones). Today's draws are the Queen of Crows (Pentacles) and Aquamarine:

Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.
— John Crosby

A friend's grandson and his wife are both well-trained, skilled RNs, yet they still call his mom for advice with their young children. No matter how much knowledge and experience we have, there is always someone who has more. When it comes to abilities like how to cook something, how to fix what is broken, how to build a kid's fort, or even directions to get somewhere, there are talented and generous people available to ask - as this little sparrow knows. Aquamarine suggests being prepared and using common sense. It helps in this regard if we can find a mentor or partner who is grounded and knowledgeable to guide or support us.

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