You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you in your own way can illuminate the world.
― Oprah Winfrey
I never have too much problem finding those inspirational sparks, things that motivate me to create or act. But my little spark can easily get extinguished by those who stomp on it or even the constant winds of change. This image of two women working together, each helping to make something larger than themselves happen, is delightful. The companion book says the original work was by Henuse Marketa and depicted the rays of the rising sun. I feel very lucky to have friends, both locally and internationally, who will fan my inspiration and feed it the oxygen it needs to turn into a flame. They offer me the Hosta flower, which is said to represent hope. This is not an expectation-filled optimism that promises riches and fame. Rather it is encouragement that reminds me of my skills and talents; it is the belief that I have something unique to offer the world.