Morgan uses the fire goddess Mahuea (more commonly known as Mahuika among the Maori people) to illustrate this card. Mahuika's grandson attempted to steal all of her fire - a stupid move since she was willing to share what she had. The myth of this grandmother and grandson ended on a cataclysmic note with a huge fire followed by a flood. I usually interpret the Two of Wands as a decision between maintaining the status quo or doing something new. But with the myth of Mahuika, I see it as a choice between doing things above board or trying to manipulate another to get what I want. Since I don't care to deal with fires or floods, I think I'll just be honest about what I'm trying to do and how I plan to do it.
From the Raven Cards comes "Hatch Out:"
Hatch out. It takes time and patience. Have confidence that something
wonderful is about to emerge, even though you don't know what the
egg contains. Care for yourself.
Human minds can do strange things when they think their grand schemes might be thwarted. We don't want to be patient or have faith that things will turn out well. So we push and shove, trying to force something to happen. Raven reminds me that avoiding coercion and allowing things to play out naturally is in my best interests, no matter what my mind tries to tell me.