I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Gravitational Force

From the Margarete Petersen Tarot, the Father (King) of Cups; from the Elemental Dice, "Light + Fire:"
This king is a great leader because no matter what is going on, he can stay in "the zone." To the left of him is a sorrowful-looking face; to the right of him is a dashing horse. Yet he sits calmly above the water with his palms up in a receptive pose. He's good at giving helpful guidance, because he can pare away the emotional drama to get to the core of reality. And even if others don't take his advice, he doesn't take it personally. I would love to find the outlet he's plugged into.
The Light + Fire combination is a symbol of Sun, an odd pairing with the watery king. But besides its light and warmth, the Sun has a gravitational force that keeps all the other planets in orbit around it. With its huge mass, the Sun's gravity is about 28 times more powerful than that of Earth. To put that in perspective, multiply your weight by 28 - that's the kind of pull it  has. The King of Cups often finds himself surrounded by people in crisis or emotional distress. His emotional strength and composure is the gravity that attracts folks to him.


  1. "find the outlet he's plugged into". Me too!!! whenever I think I've found it I seem to lose it again :)
    I like to think this gravity is also a symbol of him being grounded just like his concrete throne is in the RW. Whatever happens he will not waver.

    1. I obviously forget to pay the electrical bill and my power gets cut off (meaning I'm not as disciplined in my spiritual practices as I should be, which would help!)

    2. This sounds like a very punitive and wrathful electric company. Wouldn't it be more like your wiring or plugs should be checked??? :D

    3. Yea, probably more like a frayed cord. :D

  2. It's interesting that there is that red bit up above him, too. Like flames above and water below, and he floats in the middle, moderating it all… Perhaps, also, it points out that this calm is not always easy, though he makes it seem so :)

    1. I like seeing him as a "moderator" :). And it's a good point that his role is not a walk in the park. Life doesn't adjust to him, he adapts to it.

  3. Wow great description of the "The Dude". If there were only more like the King of Cups. I've known a few but not enough.
    " The Dude Abides! "

    1. Omg, my husband LOVES that movie! And Bridges is a bit Zen in his approach to life. :)
