I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Nighttime Movies

From the Victorian Fairy Oracle, the Moon; from the Haindl Rune Oracle, Tyr/Tiwaz:

A fairy sleeps deeply in a bed of thyme surrounded by moonflowers and luna moths. Weatherstone suggests this card represents dreaming, when we must understand things on a more primal rather than rational level. Neuroscientists believe that dreams serve as a data dump — a clearing of the day’s useless memories (from the hippocampus) and a caching of the valuable ones (to the cerebral cortex). But as memories get compared and sorted, our dreams help the brain do other things:
  • We experience 'fire drills,' or imaginary dangers to keep us sharp and rehearse for possible emergencies in the future.
  • As emotional memories are stored, dreams help us modulate trauma and fear as well as regulate our moods.
  • Dreams can help us have creative breakthroughs or solve problems that require vivid visualization.
The rune Tiwaz is connected to the story of Tyr and the Norse gods. The gods knew the wolf Fenir would cause great ruin and decided to trick him into being tied up with a small cord, then he could show off his power by breaking it. The cord was magical, and though Fenir didn't know this, he was no dummy and agreed to by tied up if one of the gods would put his hand in his mouth. The cord held but Tyr lost his hand. Tiwaz thus implies success that will require a sacrifice. Dreams can be terrifying and bizarre at times (the sacrifice), but they are there to help not harm us.


  1. "To sleep perchance to dream" Hamlet
    I have had a few weird dreams of late. Hopefully data dump from hospital stay and not a theme from new medications.

    1. I imagine your brain had a lot of data to sort out! (((C)))

  2. really. I think my dreams confirm I'm a lunatic ~
