Where is the authority in your life?
What are the boundaries of safety and order?
This sketch of a man in a helmet leaves the impression of someone who is stern and refuses to give foolishness an audience. The questions above raise an interesting question about where I stake my flag when it comes to allegiance and boundaries. My guidance and structure comes mostly from two philosophies - Buddhism and the principles behind 12 Step programs. From the first, I see the need to develop wisdom and compassion while trying to alleviate the suffering of others. From the second, I understand the importance of honesty, open-mindedness and willingness (to do the work) in my life. Yet the Swarm card implies a herd mentality - collective beliefs that may appear as wisdom but is just the opposite. Though I may follow a set of philosophies, I still need to retain my ability to think independently and with clarity. Otherwise, I'm just a lemming following the crowd off a cliff.