I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Monday, August 31, 2020

Feel Without Fixing

From the Tarot of the Secret Forest, the Queen of Swords; from the Faeries' Oracle, the Singer of Healing:

The detached observer's view is one window on the world.     
~Kenneth L. Pike

          This unusual Queen of Swords covers her face with her hands. She may be a parent, therapist, 12 Step sponsor, or simply a friend who has tried to pull back the curtain of fantasy and delusion for someone and present an objective view of reality. But there are people who, no matter how much suffering they endure, hold on to their illusions and refuse to change their mind or behavior. This queen performs a ritual of detachment, letting go of the need to feel responsible for their decisions and their happiness. The Singer of Healing would suggest she avoid tossing them away like an amputated, necrotic limb. Rather than armoring her heart against hurt, it would beneficial to heed the words of Lama Palden Drolma: "The gateway to compassion and lovingkindness is to be able to feel our own pain, and the pain of others. If we are able to open in this way, our hearts can melt, and the healing salve of compassion can anoint all our wounds." We can feel without trying to fix. 


  1. I notice that your tarot deck this week and last features a Shadow tarot, all dark and confusing. This Queens thoughts seemingly are not as sharp as the Queen on the other side of the Looking Glass.

    1. The whole deck of the Secret Forest is dark and shadowy; it does feel like being deep in an uncharted forest.

  2. my compassion is being hard pressed to function. I'm working on it. Lovely post.

    1. I understand. My first inclination is to make my heart impenetrable.

    2. If you do, you lose your Muchness!

    3. Once recognized, it is corrected. :)
