From the Margarete Petersen Tarot, the Three of Coins; from the Elemental Dice, Dusk/Dawn (Darkness + Light):
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
The Work of Head and Heart
Monday, October 30, 2023
An Opening
From the Margarete Petersen Tarot, Renewal (Judgment); from the Elemental Dice, Sun (Light + Fire):
Judgment illustrates a crack opening in our minds and hearts, a transforming experience that causes us to perceive life in a radically different way. The dice roll of Sun suggests warmth and clarity. Together they bring the message of being with reality in a new way - relaxing, releasing attachments, and resisting nothing. When we're not constantly in battle mode, we can respond with clear insight and compassion. We begin to see that even within chaos and heartache, there is still beauty, joy and kindness to be found if we're not focused in one direction.
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Checkup from the Neck Up
This week I'll be using the Margarete Petersen Tarot, created by M. Petersen and published by Königs Furt. The oracle I'll be using is the Elemental Dice. Today's card and dice roll are the Moon and Lightning (Air + Fire):
The woman on the left pillar is finally seeing that her free will is not very free at all. The unconscious is a mental file cabinet that immediately sends to the conscious mind any file remotely relevant to our current situation, yanking our chain according to past encounters. So much of what we think and feel is tied to our past and greatly influences how we respond. Yet Lightning, a massive electrostatic discharge from cloud to ground, suggests we find a way to pause and looks with discernment at what the mind tells us. I've found two tools that are helpful in this regard: a fearless inventory of my life and meditation. A inventory helps me become aware of patterns that have become habitual but are unskillful or harmful; awareness can aid in change. Meditation allows me to see just what is swirling around in my head so that I don't unconsciously react to it.
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Make Some Space
From the Lilifer Tarot, the Ace of Cups; from the Wandering Soul Oracle, Rebirth:
This demon takes advantage of a rain storm to fill her cup, giving her the resources to nourish her body, mind and spirit. The lotus flower in Rebirth brings to mind reaching up through the muck and muddy water until the sun is reached. Together these cards imply that we need something to lift and fill our hearts while easing our mind. Buddhist teacher Christina Feldman writes, "Gladness allows us to find rest even in the midst of action. Joy helps us to remember and treasure our capacity for ease and peace." But if joy mostly comes unbidden, how do we fill our cup with it? Feldman explains that this state has its roots in mindfulness, which brings an intimacy with all things. She suggests we also need to make time for 'sacred idleness' - not an escape from reality, but simply being rather than doing. Joy needs space to emerge.
Friday, October 27, 2023
Hard Knock Learning
From the Lilifer Tarot, the Page of Wands; from the Wandering Soul Oracle, Protection:
Thursday, October 26, 2023
It Can Be Uncomfortable
From the Lilifer Tarot, the Two of Wands; from the Wandering Soul Oracle, Memories:
These two little demons remind me of game show host announcers. "Come on down! You're the next contestant on Expand Your Life!" Moving from our comfort zone into the unknown can be scary but also exciting. We have a chance to get out of our routine and try our hand at something new. Maybe we prefer to put a toe in the water instead of jumping in with both feet, and that's okay. Each new choice we make will open other doors for us to peer into. The Memories card points to our habit of thinking about the past as "the good ole days." Of course our experiences were not all good; we just think of them that way when the present is a challenge. But don't let the hard times sway you. As Jonathan Majors said, "Growth is uncomfortable; you have to embrace the discomfort if you want to expand."
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
A Pat on the Back
From the Lilifer Tarot, the Six of Wands; from the Wandering Soul Oracle, Celebrate:
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Creative Generosity
From the Lilifer Tarot, the Queen of Wands; from the Wandering Soul Oracle, Divine Language:
Unlike her husband, whose flame of enthusiasm can be glaring and overwhelming at times, the Queen of Wands keeps hers at a warm glow. She doesn't want to tell you what to do with your passion; she'd rather encourage through nurturing your creative side. She doesn't mind offering some ideas, but her goal is to be your cheerleader rather than your manager. The Divine Language card shows a drawing of the golden ratio, a proportion based on the patterns of nature that has been used by artists and designers for centuries. This mathematical ratio of 1:1.618 has a decimal that stretches to infinity. In these days of piracy and plagiarism, it may feel like we need to jealously guard our ideas and share them with no one. But as Maya Angelou reminds us, “You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
Monday, October 23, 2023
The Shadow Left Behind
From the Lilifer Tarot, the Knight of Pentacles; from the Wandering Soul Oracle, Mortality:
This demon, built for tough, heavy work, points the way to her loyal wolf. Both are intent on taking care of business regardless of the storms they ride through. She's not only good at what she does, she's dependable and conscientious about her work too. Yet the Mortality card asks us if finishing our work (as if it's ever finished!) is more pressing than time spent with those we love or doing the things that nourish our spirit. “Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind,” Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote. Is 'reliable worker' all we want carved on our urn or tombstone?
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Joyful Offering
This week I'll be using the Lilifer Tarot, created and self-published by Marion Costentin. I'll also be using the Wandering Soul Oracle, created and self-published by Rachael Jean. Today's draws are the King of Wands and Higher Power:
This fiery king is pulsing with electrical energy and flames; if it weren't for the smile on his face and his relaxed posture, one might think he was angry or malevolent. Instead, his passion has found a positive outlet that not only brings him joy but also makes him a more creative and capable leader. In recovery circles, a Higher Power is something greater than one's ego. It may be thought of as an essence or energy that runs through all of creation; Paul Tillich called it the "Ground of Being." When we acknowledge this power, we can tap into it, allowing it to guide all we do so that everything becomes an offering rather than just being about us and the praise we accumulate.
Saturday, October 21, 2023
A Universal Experience
From the Tarot of the Enchanted Forest, Black Shuck (Death); from the Mushroom Spirit Oracle, Split Gill:
Black Shuck is a spectral dog-like being with glowing eyes that is the portent of death. A warning by W.A. Dutt in 1901 reads: "You will do well to shut your eyes if you hear him howling; shut them even if you are uncertain whether it is the dog fiend or the voice of the wind you hear." Unfortunately, life doesn't care if you have your eyes shut - loss comes to everyone in a variety of forms. Sometimes it is a small thing like a sentimental figure that is broken; these little griefs are practice for the deeper ones. Split Gill is a mushroom with unique gills which appear to be split lengthwise. When conditions are moist, the slits open and allow spores to fall to the ground, but during dry periods, the gills curve inward, which protects the spore-producing surfaces. It is a fungus that knows how to adapt. Psychologist Mary-Frances O'Connor explains that grieving is a form of adaptive learning for how to be in the world without the thing or person we love. "Grief is a universal experience," she notes, "and when we can connect, it is better." We're all going to need to extend or receive compassion at some point, so let's start practicing now.
Friday, October 20, 2023
Seeing the Blockage
From the Tarot of the Enchanted Forest the Weaver of Challenges (Queen of Swords); from the Mushroom Spirit Oracle, Bleeding Tooth:
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Course Change
From the Tarot of the Enchanted Forest, the Ten of Challenges (Swords); from the Mushroom Spirit Oracle, Fairy Inkcap:
Our opinions and the actions that result from them all have consequences. When we're making the wrong choices and rigidly holding on to blind beliefs, life will give us gentle nudges to correct our course. When we refuse to listen, we eventually get a brick to the head that will flatten us. Life isn't punishing us, it's trying to save us. The tiny, delicate Fairy Inkcap brings the gift of humility, a subtle attribute that can be life changing.
For me, humility has come through recognizing the subtle ways in which arrogance permeates my life. It is the arrogance of needing to be right, of projecting my worldview on to others, of all the judgements and predispositions that I carry with me all the time. It is a filter between my self and the experience of life as it actually is. ―Lorenz Sell
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Honey in the Pot
From the Tarot of the Enchanted Forest, the Three of Visions (Cups); from the Mushroom Spirit Oracle, Maitake:
These three bears cavorting in the woods ask us a question: Have you been making time for your friendships? In the hectic busyness of our days, it's easy to forget the importance of our connections. Eventually, when our heart aches or we have a funny story to tell, we discover that empty void. As Lunaea Weatherstone wrote, "You don't need a special occasion; the time you spend in good company is a celebration in itself." Maitake means 'dancing mushroom' in Japanese and is said to be a powerful adaptogen (an aid to help the body be resilient during stressful times). What better balm is there than good friends?
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Give Me An Answer
From the Tarot of the Enchanted Forest, the Seven of Visions (Cups); from the Mushroom Spirit Oracle, Cordyceps:
- Challenge yourself to grow.
- Contribute to others.
- Live in the present moment.
- End your sense of entitlement.
- Connect to something larger than yourself.
Monday, October 16, 2023
Way of Integrity
From the Forest of Enchantment Tarot, the Two of Challenges (Swords); from the Mushroom Spirit Oracle, Chaga:
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Many Filters
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Quality Control
From the Middle Way Arcana, Hierophant; from the Vertical Oracle, Precious:
The Hierophant is a spiritual leader and teacher who offers us knowledge to wisely navigate our world, gives us rituals to ground us, and brings together a community of like-minded people. Buddha cautioned that we shouldn't believe any teachings without putting them into practice to see if they hold water. Through verification we can choose whether to pursue our studies. But the card Precious alerts us to also be on the lookout for unethical teachers - those who don't allow anyone to question their behavior or demands. As Thanissaro Bhikkhu explains, "The only way we know anything about other people is through their actions, so that’s as far as our judgments can fairly extend. At the same time, though, because we’re judging whether we want to internalize another person’s standards, it’s not unfair to pass judgment on what they’re doing. It’s for our own protection. And it’s for the sake of our protection that the Buddha recommended looking for two qualities in a teacher: wisdom and integrity."
Friday, October 13, 2023
By Love Alone
From the Middle Way Arcana, the Lovers; from the Vertical Oracle, Timeless:
Thursday, October 12, 2023
As Best As I Can
From the Middle Way Arcana, Temperance; from the Vertical Oracle, Reality Check:
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Resisting Change
From the Middle Way Arcana, the Wheel of Fortune; from the Vertical Oracle, Zero Point:
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
From the Middle Way Arcana, the Chariot; from the Vertical Oracle, Ritual:
Any progress can be stymied by what the Buddhists call the Three Poisons. Craving (rooster) is the obsessive desire for something we are sure will bring us happiness. Hatred (snake) is rage aimed as something we think is preventing our happiness. Delusion (pig) is refusing to see reality clearly because we prefer our own version. Skillful choices and actions require that we recognize when we're under the influence of these poisons and turn from them. Ritual is a set of specific actions that remind us of what is important and essential. These practices keep our mind focused on our purpose rather than being distracted by things that have nothing to do with the direction we're headed.
Monday, October 9, 2023
Welfare of All
From the Middle Way Arcana, the Emperor; from the Vertical Oracle, Control Freak:
A good Emperor is grateful for the diversity of people he leads; he recognizes that we depend on each other's talents and knowledge as well as the gifts of nature too. Yet such an assortment of folks means a medley of opinions, and if his country is to stay unified, there needs to be some guidelines. For lay Buddhists, that ethical compass is the Five Precepts. The undercurrent through all five is the idea of doing no harm. The Control Freak card describes those who only want to follow their own rules because they fear not getting what they want or losing what they have. But no one in a healthy community obtains rights without also incurring responsibilities. As Lewis Schwellenbach said, "The security, progress and welfare of one group is measured finally in the security, progress and welfare of all mankind."
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Monkey Mind
This week I'll be using the Middle Way Arcana, a major arcana deck based on the ideas of Buddhism. This deck was one I created for personal use with scissors and a glue stick. I'll also be drawing from the Vertical Oracle, created by Antero Alli with Sylvie Pickering and published by Vertical Pool. Today's cards are Death and Monkey Mind:
Saturday, October 7, 2023
Is There a Cure for Greed?
From the Ship of Fools Tarot, the Four of Coins; from the Wisdom of the Four Winds, Kauri: