I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Friday, April 19, 2013

Blissful Release

From the Medieval Tarot, the Three of Cups:
Here is an interesting choice for the Three of Cups - a woman in labor about to deliver her baby.  When I think of moments when I felt the most blissful release, the times when I felt I had the most to celebrate, it was when I completed a major task, got through an ordeal, or conquered a challenge.  Life has been quite stressful and difficult of late, and most of the cause and resolution is out of my hands.  My task is like this woman's - go through it with the knowledge that joy will eventually replace the suffering.

From the Tea Leaf Fortune Cards comes "Valley:"
While some people may symbolically think of a valley as a low place, for me it represents a place to rest and recuperate.  In my younger years, I was a backpacking enthusiast, heading to the mountains whenever I got a chance.  But with a 35-40 lb. pack on my back, it was quite strenuous going up mountains.  Going down was almost as bad, because of the pounding my joints took.  But when a valley was reached, where there were no ups or downs, it was a place where I could rest and recuperate.  With the Three of Cups above, it looks like I'll have some time for enjoyment and relaxation soon.  Is it too soon to sigh with relief?


  1. I think I had this deck with LoS. Are you cropping suits? It is sure better.

    Can you get clear away for three days? Anywhere?
    Everything will be the same when you get back, except your perspective. You will have reached an unbiased point and will be able to let the carpola go.
    Rx by Sharyn...

    1. I can't get away now (obligations), but soon I hope. :) Possibly early May.
      I am cropping the German and English titles - check out Card-Shark's website, he has all the cards in PDF form so you can see them.

  2. not a common take, but a great image for this card, birth is.

    hope things get resolved sooner rather than later

    1. Thanks Bonkers :). I thought the labor, relief and celebration of a new birth was a great way to illustrate this card.
