I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Ever Changing

From the Durer Tarot, Death; from the Philosopher's Stone, Self:

Mutatis mutandis (necessary changes having been made)

The many endings represented by Death truly reaffirms for me how little control I have over anything except my own actions and attitude. Such was the case when everything in our kitchen had to be removed to other parts of our house because of necessary repairs. Yet now the damaged wall in our kitchen has been replaced and the whole room repainted. But its appearance is not all that has changed. When cleaning out cabinets and drawers after thirty-three years, I placed to the side many items that will now be going to Goodwill (as I don't cook or bake much anymore). Yet at one time, those items were part of my identity. The Self card - representing how I identify myself - reminds me just how fluid self-identity can be. The things I do, what I'm involved with, and my priorities have changed a lot over the years. We are not a fixed identity but an ever-changing stream of experience.


  1. as Steve Irwin would say, "beauty, beauty." Thank you for inviting us over ~

    1. Would love to sit around the table with you and Carolyn gabbing over a cup of tea or coffee. :)

  2. A lovely inviting kitchen. I would join you both for a cuppa, sounds like loads of fun.
    Saturday it seems we were all on the same page again, cleaning up and letting go. More cosmic coincidence?

    1. Releasing so our hands are so full that we have room for the new.
