I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Stammering Voice

This week I'll be using the Neuzeit Tarot created by Walter Wegmuller and published by AG Muller. The "oracle" I'll be using is a combination of two sets of dice: Rory's Story Cubes and Rory's Story Cubes - Voyages.  These dice were created by Rory O'Connor and produced by Gamewright. Today's card and die are the Seven of Swords and 'Sheep:'
Rather than devoutly repeating what has been said many times before, you risk expressing your understanding in your own stammering voice.
~ Stephen Batchelor

          Balancing those seven swords, this fellow has a lot of weight on his head. He also has a crush of people around him telling him what he should and shouldn't do. I think this is where I often step off the path of 'us' and into the boxing ring of me versus you. I segregate myself from others based on what I believe. But what would happen if I explain what is motivating me and then listen sincerely to what is motivating my opposition? What would happen if I looked for common ground instead of our differences? The fellow's multiple faces suggest I take an individual approach rather than painting with a wide brush. Gently speaking my truth doesn't have the adrenaline behind it that angrily yelling it does, but it still can be powerful. The Rory's die suggests the alternative is the sheeple approach - jump on a bandwagon and tamp down any spiritual nudges not to conform. Baaaaaaad idea.


  1. All that chatter from those talking heads. I have enough of it my own head, don't need it from others.

    1. Everyone talking but no one listening; I think we've forgotten how.

  2. powerful card powerful message. All those people shouting. Why I turn off the news for months at a time, why I don't do most of the social sites.

    1. I used to enjoy the news, but I rarely watch now. It seems the anchors have gone from informative newscasts to just repeating themselves over and over with different adjectives.
