I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Monday, March 29, 2021

Feeling Tones

From the PetraK Tarot, the Knight of Cups; from the AstroDice, South Node-Scorpio-10th House:

Feeling tones can be pleasant, unpleasant or neutral. It is the feeling tone keeps us hooked into our conditioning behavior of craving and aversion. –Alpesh Parikh

          The Knight of Cups in this depiction literally lives inside his feelings, filtering all thoughts through his emotions. He understands that we are in a relationship with every person, place or thing we come into contact with. Yet before there is a relationship, there is a 'feeling tone' - an immediate reaction to what we experience. Stimuli that are pleasant, we want more of; those that are unpleasant, we try to avoid or get rid of; and those that are neutral we simply ignore. The South Node, Scorpio and 10th House combination suggests that patterns have been created in the past that affect not only our emotional intensity, but also our reputation. When we are rewarded by a reaction (whether it involves getting, getting rid of, or disregarding), we tend to repeat that action until it becomes a habitual pattern. How others might describe us (hothead, peacemaker, judgmental, open-minded, etc.) might give us a clue about whether we should work on changing some of those ingrained patterns.

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. –Dr. Seuss


  1. come out of your bubble and share some haiku :) I wrote three last week as part of a SoulCollage exercise.
    Did not think I could
    And they are not any way good
    But I'll do more please.

    1. Clark Strand's book, "Seeds from a Birch Tree," really freed me from thinking "is this good?" He basically says the purpose is to be in the moment, not be spiritual or poetic, and be about nature. And he suggests let the subject come to us, not go out looking for one. It's just a practice in paying attention. :)

      Resurrection ferns
      Tucked under a drain
      Over a dumpster.

      A tenacious vine
      Roots a chain of white tubers
      And cat claw-like thorns.
