I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Trying Something New

This week I'll be using the Legacy of the Divine Tarot, created and self-published by Ciro Marchetti. I'll pair with it the Tea Leaf Reading Cards, created and self-published by Karin Dalton-Smith. Today's draws are the Eight of Coins and the Lion:

Being a craftsperson of any stripe is an ongoing effort. Even if you've had some success, there is always a question of what to do next. Most people attempt to branch out into something new every now and then. Yet that requires leaving the comfort of our proficiency and moving back into the beginner's chair. Feeling inept and confused when we attempt to learn a new skill or add to our knowledge can deflate our confidence. The Tea Reading offers Lion, a symbol of courage and strength. I have a small network of friends (most older and wiser than me) who I can turn to at such times. They don't tell me what I want to hear but what I need to hear, however they also prop me up with plenty of encouraging support. They often have faith in me until I can have faith in myself once again.

Fear and anxiety many times indicate that we are moving in a positive direction, out of the safe confines of our comfort zone...
― Charles F. Glassman


  1. my relearning photoshop is part of my effort at this. Sometimes I just want to lie down and give up. Get cable and watch asinine programing all day and not think at all.

    1. It is hard, isn't it? For some reason I convince myself that learning new skills should be easier. Hang in there, my friend!
