I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Sunday, April 24, 2022

With Care

This week I'll be using Tarot by Caro, created and self-published by Caroline Clarke. The oracle I'll be drawing from is the I Ching, illustrated by Klaus Holitzka with instructions by Marlies Holitzka; it is published by AGM Urania. Today's cards are Strength and Hexagram 56:

Clarke's rendition of Strength made me think of dog handlers at a show - 'flagging' the tail and slipping a treat to the dog. My inner beast - the part of me that would like to freely offer head slaps and say whatever passes through my mind - must be treated with care and respect as well. Rather than trying to sit on it to keep it under control, I can acknowledge what has happened (injustice, unkindness, etc.) but without exaggeration or assumptions. Hexagram 56 is called the Wanderer and advocates for humility, calmness and intelligence, as if we were a stranger in a new land. Staying calm and open-minded can create a pause and a chance to understand what was behind what occurred instead of rushing to judgment.


  1. I caught myself a couple of times yesterday ready to lambast others for "what are you thinking?" I held back not wanting to ruin a perfectly good backyard bbq. Still...what are some people thinking? Course the same thing could be said about me from them.

    1. I try (but often fail) to make a charitable assumption about why they are like that. I might be better at it by the time I'm 100. :D

  2. something to look forward to...when we are all 80 we can let 'er rip and people with think how colorful we are :)

    1. I started saying that when I turned 65; "I am just getting eccentric in my 'old age."
