I use tarot and oracle cards as tools for reflection and contemplation. Rather than divining the future, they are a way for me to look more deeply at the "now."
"The goal isn't to arrive, but to meander, to saunter, to make your life a holy wandering." ~ Rami Shapiro

Monday, November 29, 2021

Move the Job Along

From the Neuzeit Tarot, the Ten of Wands; from Rory's Story Dice, Music:

A robin feathering his nest
Has very little time to rest
While gathering his bits of twine and twig
Though quite intent in his pursuit
He has a merry tune to toot
He knows a song will move the job along
~from Mary Poppins

I look at all those people lined up like candles on a birthday cake, waiting for me to do the million and one things on my need-to-do list. I went to bed in a blue funk, had a sleepless night, and still find myself in one this morning. My list of duties and obligations seems to grow by the hour, but I'm tired, achy and feel paralyzed to do any of it. Yet the Music die reminds me that staying in this negative head space will neither help me get things done nor feel better. I need a distraction to get unhooked from my thoughts (which will likely help my mood as well). Music might just be the ticket. 


  1. send me your itemized list. I'll reorder it and slash :) Will anyone die if you don't do something? Will anyone remember and curse you next week? If you don't do it will someone else step up to the plate? Much queen of wandiness is in her own mind :)

    1. Well, there are biopsies and ultrasounds in the mix. :) But those I'm having to be patient with as everyone is backed up over here. And I have asked the hubby to give me a hand, which gave me some breathing space! Thank you for your support and encouragement!

  2. Music really helps. I always sing 'On a Clear Day' it helps release tension and lifts my spirits.
    Both of us iffy, maybe we are suffering for SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder. Counting the days till the Wheel turns and we start adding minutes of daylight.

    1. After days of cloudy skies, the sun is finally shining here today!
